So to Union Chapel on the 31st of October, on a cold wet
Autumnal Islington evening we went. A church by day, which in the evening is
given over to very special artists, to perform in gothic splendor. Such
luminaries as Mexican singer Sixto Rodriguez subject of the Oscar winning
documentary Searching For Sugar Man have performed to an intimate audience
here. So it is fitting for Halloween this year amidst its perfect surroundings
62 year old Italian Maestro Fabio Frizzi brings his brand of classic
cult-status fistful of soundtracks to an adoring mostly young hipster audience,
many dressed accordingly as Zombies or cult horror figures.

Once the audience was seated, a total of maybe 700 strong we were treated to all the classics. The Audience was a good one responding to each cue with boisterous applause, especially when the cold electronic morbid sounds of Fulcis Zombie master class “Zombie Flesh-Eaters” floated up to greet the promontories and gothic arches, the sound of decaying flesh itself, a perfect juxta-position of heaven and hell.
Genuinely humbled by the ecstatic response I feel it won’t be the last time we see Maestro Frizzi, and it would be nice to think he could take his unique take on horror and classic Italian celluloid with moving us by his wonderful, grisly comical and inventive approach and taking it overseas to the masses to enjoy as I believe his fan base is much bigger than this very unassuming, gentle and affable man believes. A true musical genius Frizzi once again played a flawless performance in a flawless setting.
“The Union Chapel was the perfect starting point for F2F
project. And the audience who shared with me and my musicians this incredible
opportunity, was the ideal audience. Thank you all, one by one, for the
enthusiasm and support that has made this event unique. We will meet again
soon.” - Fabbio Frizzi
Thanks to Death Waltz Recording Co., a London based record label, focusing on classic and contemporary horror soundtracks on Vinyl for sponsoring this cracking event.
Death Waltz Recordings Co. website link:
Fabio posted a link to this review on his Facebook page.