Simonetta Vitelli was born in Rome,
Lazio, Italy on June 16, 1950. Simone is the daughter of producer, director
screenwriter Demofilo Fidani [1914-1994] and screenwriter, costume designer
Maria Rosa Valenza Vitelli [1923-2007]. Being the daughter of a director she
found work early in films beginning in 1967 in “Stranger Say Your Prayers”. Her
beauty, especially her hypnotic eyes, caught the viewer’s attention and she was
more than well received. Thankfully Fidani used her in almost every
Euro-western he made and as Simone Blondell she ended up appearing in fourteen
Euro-westerns including “One Damned Day at Dawn” (1970), “Django and Sartana
are Coming… It’s the End” (1971), “A Man Called Django!” (1971) and “Savage
Guns”. She appeared with such Fidani regulars as Hunt Powers, Jeff Cameron,
Klaus Kinski, Anthony Steffen, Gordon Mitchell, Fabio Testi and Robert Woods.
She retired from acting after 1974’s “Terror! Il castello delle donne maledette”
but is scheduled to appear in the eagerly anticipated new Euro-western “The
Resurrection of El Puro” scheduled to go before the cameras this fall. Simone
continues to work behind the cameras as a set designer, costume designer. Still
as beautiful, vivacious and charming as ever, it’s always hoped she revives her
film career and we see much more of her on the screen in the coming years.
Simone (aka Simone Blondel, Mariangela
Matania) (Simonetta Vitelli) [6/16/1950 Rome, Lazio, Italy - ] - film editor, costume designer,
daughter of producer, director, screenwriter Demofilo Fidani [1914-1994],
producer, director, screenwriter, actress Maria Rosa Vitelli Valenza
[1923-2007], married to producer Paolo Lucidi [1951- ] (19??-19??), mother of Lorenzo Luccidi[1981- ], actress Francesca Lucidi
[1983- ].
Pray to God and Dig Your
Grave – 1967 (Don Enrique’s maid)
Stranger Say Your Prayers –
1967 (Sullivan daughter)
And Now Make Your Peace
with God - 1968 (Trudy Sullivan)
Shadow of Sartana… Shadow
of Your Death – 1968 (Trudy)
4 Came to Kill Sartana -
1969 (Susy Prescott)
Stranger Say Your Prayers!
- 1969
Zorro the Lawman - 1972
(Perla Dominguez)
Dead Men Don’t Make Shadows
- 1970 (Maya)
One Damned Day at Dawn...
Django Meets Sartana - 1970 (Widow Sturges)
Django and Sartana are
Coming... It’s the End - 1971 (Anne/Jessica Cobb/Brewster)
Django Story - 1971
A Man Called Django! - 1971
Savage Guns - 1971 (Fanny)
Showdown for a Badmen -
1971 (Monica Benson/Irene)
Everything for a Friend -
1972 (Pearl)
Memories from the Near West
– 2008 [herself]
The Resurrection of El Puro
– 2013 [in production]
Stracult – 2014