I lunghi giorni dell’odo – Italian title
Este hombre no puede morir – Argentinian title
Este Homem Não Deve Morrer – Brazilian title
Den mand må ikke dø – Danish title
Tämä mies ei kuole – Finnish title
Ringo ne devait pas mourir – French title
Seine Winchester pfeiffen das Lied vom Tod – German title
Winchester pfeiffen das Lied vom Tod – German title
Kremaste ta kathamata – Greek title
Agria ekdikisi – Greek title
O longo Dia do odio – Portuguese title
Tama mies ei kuole – Spanish title
Uppgörelsen – Swedish title
Olume Yalniz Gidenler – Turkish title
Long Days of Hate – English title
This Man Can’t Die – English title
A 1967 Italian production [Mercurio Film (Rome)]
Producers: Alberto Marucchi, Gino Rossi
Director: Gianfranco Baldanello (Gianfranco Merano)
Story: Lugi Emmanuele
Screenplay: Luigi Emmanuele, Gino Mangini (Luigi Mangini),
Gianfrano Baldanello (Gianfranco Merano)
Cinematography: Claudio Cirillo [Eastmancolor, Panorama]
Music: Amedeo Tommasi
Song: “Life” sung by ?
Running time: 91 minutes
Martin Benson – Guy Madison (Robert Moseley)
Susy Benson – Lucienne Bridou
Daniel Benson – Alberto Dell’Acqua
Vic Graham – Rick Battaglia (Caterino Battaglia)
Arius Benson – Steve Merrick
Jenny Benson – Anna Liotti
Tony Guy – Peter Martell (Pietro Matellanza)
Melina – Rosalba Neri
Lillian – Gioia Desideri
Barnaby – Franco Pesce (Francesco Pesce)
Sheriff – John Bartha (János Barta)
Joe – Franco Gulà (Francesco Gulà)
Jack – Fortunato Arena
Carl – Paolo Magalotti
Christine – Daniele Riccardi
Sergeant – Jlse Scholzel
Doc Parker – Attilio Dottesio
Rooney - Alberto Dell'Acqua
Freight clerk – Giovanni Querrel
Indian – Aysanoa Runachagua
Mrs. Benson – Silvana Jachino
Army Captain – Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia (Ivan Giovanni
With: Attilio Tosato, Gaetano Scala

Gunman Martin Benson has a built a reputation from a sordid
past but is now helping the U.S. Army dismantle a gun-running gang illegally
supplying Indians with guns and ammunition. He’s captured a few members of the
gang and brought them in for the law to handle but is still trying to track
down the main financier behind the smugglers. When Benson's cover as an
informant is learned his family becomes a target. Benson's ranch is attacked,
his parents killed, his sister Jenny raped, and his other sister Susy and
brother Daniel are forced to take cover in cave located on their property. One
of the attackers Tony Guy is badly wounded, and Daniel insists that the man
must not die because he can reveal vital information about the other bandits.
As Susy fends off unwanted advances from a stubborn businessman Graham, Martin
tracks down the gun-runners while fighting off a succession of ambushes trying
to eliminate him. When Tony begins to recover he reveals the real leader of the
gang in payment for the Benson’s saving his life.