Monday, January 27, 2020

European Western Comic Books ~ Albi Trapper

Trapper was a 1962 comic book published by Cervinia Editions in Milan, Italy. It consisted of 30 issues released from August 1962 until December 1964. It was a reprint of Il piccolo scout numbers 1-18 and Tommy Colt numbers 19-29. While #16 (December 1963) consisted of three episodes of Rik and Scoiattole taken from Piccolo eroi (1960), and Il re del Congo with and Rex and Jingo. Each issue consisted of 144 pages with color covers and black and white pages.

01 (00.08.62) - “Pista Bozeman” (Bozeman Slope)
02 (00.09.62) - “Transcontinental Express” (Transcontinental Express)
03 (00.10.62) - “Pista infuocata” (Fiery Track)
04 (00.11.62) - “Passo Malo” (Malo Pass)
05 (00.12.62) - “Il grande campione” (The Grand Champion)
06 (00.01.63) -
07 (00.02.63) - “La stella del Nord” (The Northern Star)
08 (00.03.63) - “Un cavallo da quarto” (A Quarter Horse)
09 (00.04.63) - “A due dita dal cappio” (Two Fingers from the Noose)
10 (00.05.63) - “L'uomo da battere” (The Man to Beat)
11 (00.06.63) - “Il terribile gioco” (The Terrible Game)
12 (00.07.63) - “La marcia della morte” (The March of Death)
13 (00.08.63) - “Scalpo Bianco” (White Scalp)
14 (00.09.63) - “Assedio alla carovana” (Siege of the Caravan)
15 (00.10.63) - "Un cavallo senza cow boy" (A Horse Without a Cowboy)
16 (00.11.63) - "Fine di un eroe” (End of a Hero)
16b (00.12.63) - “Assalto di notte” (Assault by Night)
17 (00.12.63) - “L'affare Norton” (The Norton Affair)
18 (00.01.64) - “Il tesoro sacro” (The Sacred Treasure)
19 (00.02.64) - “La diligenza della morte” (The Diligence of Death)
20 (00.03.64) - “Il pistolero” (The Gunman)
21 (00.04.64) - “Kiovas” (Kiovas)
22 (00.05.64) - “Passo della morte” (Pass of Death)
23 (00.06.64) - “Sfida nella città morta” (Challenge is Dead City)
24 (00.07.64) - “Sioux (Eclissi di Luna)” (Sioux (Eclipse of the Moon)
25 (00.08.64) - “Il Cobra d'Oro” (The Golden Cobra)
26 (00.09.64) - “Lo straniero” (The Stranger)
27 (00.10.64) - “Morte in agguato” (Lurking Death)
28 (00.11.64) - “Scacco alla morte” (Checkmate to Death)
29 (00.12.64) - “Forca per due” (Fork for Two)

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