Monday, November 4, 2019

European Western Comic Books ~ Cow Boy – contro – Sceriffo

ALBI MIGNON Cow Boy – contro – Sceriffo (Cow Boy Versus Sheriff)

The comic book series Cow Boy Versus Sheriff was published by Panorama Publishing in 1949 under the direction of Ernesto Varoli. Isue #1 was published on May 7, 1949 and ended with #20 on January 28, 1950. Each issue consisted of two adventure stories of 12 pages with color covers and black and white pages.

01 (07.05.49) - “Il cavaliere dell’audacia”, “Il difensore della legge” (The Knight of Boldness", "The Defender of the Law")
02 (00.00.49) - “L’agguato sulla montagna”, “Il corriere scomparso” (The Ambush on the Mountain", "The Courier Sisappeared")
03 (00.00.49) - “La falsa accusa”, “La rivincita di Porter” ("The False Accusation", "Porter's Revenge")
04 (00.00.49) - “L’oro del fiume”, “Lo spettro del canon” ("The Gold of the River", "The Specter of the Canyon")
05 (00.00.49) - “I razziatori di West-City”, “Assalto al rancho” ("The raiders of West-City", "Assault on the rancho")
06 (22.10.49) - “Il tesoro del pioniere”, “La valle del diavolo” ("The Treasure of the Pioneer", "The Valley of the Devil")
07 (29.10.49) - “I falsari di Old City”, “La sconfitta di Porter” ("The Forgers of Old City", "The Defeat of Porter")
08 (00.10.49) - “John il bufalo”, “L’oro della Gold-Bank” ("John the Buffalo", "Gold of the Gold Bank")
09 (19.11.49) - “L’assalto alla corriera”, “La gola del «gufo»” ("The Assault on the Bus", "The Throat of the Owl")
10 (26.11.49) - “Il cavaliere fantasma”, “Il fuorilegge di Red-Star” ("The Ghost Knight", "The Red-Star Outlaw")
11 (00.12.49) - “La bisca maledetta”, “Il documento scomparso” ("The Cursed Gambling Den", "The Missing Document")
12 (00.00.49) - “Il falso mercante”, “Lotta senza quartiere” ("The false merchant", "Struggle without quarter")
13 (00.00.49) - “L’ultimo dei sioux”, “La beffa del cow-boy” ("The Last of the Sioux", "The Cowboy Mockery")
14 (00.00.00) - “Il ratto di Jannette”, “L’ultimatum dei fuori legge” ("The Rape of Jannette", "The Ultimatum of the Outlaws")
15 (00.00.50) - “Il cavaliere senza volto”, “L’antro del bandito” ("The Knight Without a Face", "The Bandit's Cave")
16 (00.00.50) - “Assalto sulla strada ferrata”, “Il trionfo del cow-boy” ("Assault on the Railway", "The Triumph of the Cowboy")
17 (00.00.50) - “La carovana maledetta”, “La vendetta dello sceriffo” ("The Cursed Caravan", "The Sheriff's Revenge")
18 (00.00.50) - “Il passo della strega”, “Il segreto della montagna” ("The Witch's Step", "The Secret of the Mountain")
19 (00.00.50) - “L’ultimo dei Croner”, “Il tragico duello” ("The Last of the Croners", "The Tragic Duel")
20 (28.01.50) - “Fuga di Dolores”, “Il segno rivelatore” ("The Escape of Dolores", "The Revealing Sign")

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