Sunday, May 9, 2021

Spaghetti Western Locations for “A Bullet for the General”

We continue our search for filming locations of “A Bullet for the General”. We next see Bill loading the golden bullet into a rifle and taking aim at the back of General Elias' head. He's about to shoot when he notices Chuncho and El Santo walking away. Chuncho asks El Santo if he wants to hear his confession and Santo tells him for what he's done there is no absolution. They reach a place behind a hill and Chuncho throws his sombrero to a spot where he will wants to be executed. At that moment a shot rings out as Bill fires his rifle at General Elias. A second shot is hear and it hits El Santo, who falls dying in Chuncho's arms. Bill is suddenly seen riding away while the camp is in complete panic. Chuncho returns to the camp. Someone proclaims the general was shot and killed with a bullet made of gold. Chuncho immediately knows who killed him. Chuncho breaks down in tears. 

 This scene was filmed in Puntal de Popolos Spain.


For a more detailed view of this site and other Spaghetti Western locations please visit my friend Yoshi Yasuda’s location site: and Captain Douglas Film Locations

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