Monday, March 15, 2021

European Western Comic Books ~ Avventura Film

 Film Adventures

Series I: Is a published cineromans in a western setting and a Zorro film. The comic books of Zorro have double numbering: their own, from #1 to #6 in the internal management, and a series progressive on the #4 cover. Series II: 4 western films are presented in the first 24 issues; from #25, ten films by Tarzan. Series III: in each issue three serials are presented: Il Cacciatore del Missouri (#1/$4); Korea in flames (#1/#5); The Avenger of Manila (#1/#7); Hatred of blood (#5/#9); Nagasaky (#7/#12); Doctor Cyclops (#8/#12); Wild blonde (#10/#13); The Jamaica tavern (#13/#20); A Vagabond at the Court of France (#13/#17); The Sacrificed (#14/#18); Robin Hood's Heir (#18/#24); The Hawks of Rangoon (#19/#24). It will resume as The Monthly Photoromance.

This seriws was first published in 1950 #1 1/7/1950 to #24 (153) 11/21/1953. It was published by Victory in Milan, Italy under the direction of Giuseppe Ponzoni. Each issue contained 32-48 black and white pages with color covers.

A total of 153 issues are released and divided into three series (the first two in strip format, the third in pocket format). Non-progressive numbering.

Serie I n. 1 (August 1, 1950) #42 (April 19, 1951)
Serie II n. 1 (April 26, 1951) # 87 (December 18, 1952)
Serie III n. 1 (June 13, 1953) #24 (November 21, 1953)

Serie I
L’EROICA LEGIONE (EL) (The Heroic Legion)
01 (01.07.50) - “I rangers del Texas” (The Texas Rangers)
02 (08.07.50) - “Assalto alla banca” (Assault on the Bank)
03 (15.07.50) - “Il patto coi pellirossa” (The Pact with the Redskins)
04 (27.07.50) - “Folle inseguimento” (Crazy Pursuit)
05 (03.08.50) - “Tremenda accusa” (Tremendous Accusation)
06 (10.08.50) - “Lotta mortale” (Deadly Fight)

I TRE MOSCHETTIERI DEL MISSOURI (MM) (The Three Musketeers of the West)
07 (17.08.50) - “Il ranch della morte” (The Ranch of Death)
08 (24.08.50) - “Assalto alla diligenza” (Assault on Diligence)
09 (31.08.50) - “Il treno svaligiato” (The Robbed Train)
10 (07.09.50) - “L’arresto di Mary” (Mary’s Arrest)
11 (14.09.50) - “Piano diabolico” (Diabolic Plan)
12 (21.09.50) - “Redenzione” (Redmption)

L'ULTIMO PELLEROSSA (UP) (The Last Pellerossa)
13 (28.09.50) - “Giuramento di sangue” (Blood Oath)
14 (05.10.50) - “Assalto alla carovana” (Assaunlt on the Caravan)
15 (00.00.50) - “I diavoli della prateria” (The Devils of the Prairie)
16 (19.10.50) - “Tortura” (Torture)
17 (26.10.50) - “L’isola della morte” (The Island of Death)
18 (02.11.50) - “Fulgido eroismo” (Shining Herois)

ROCCE ROSSE (RR) (Red Rocks)
19 (09.11.50) - “Falco Rosso” (Red Hawk)
20 (16.11.50) - “L’ombra nella notte” (The Shadow in the Night)
21 (23.11.50) - “La spia” (The Spy)
22 (30.11.50) - “Il sentiero di guerra” (The War Path)
23 (07.12.50) - “L’attacco al convoglio” (The Attack on the Convoy)
24 (14.12.50) - “L’imboscata” (The Ambush)

LA TERRA DEI SENZA LEGGE (SL) (The Land Without Law)
25 (21.12.50) - “I fuorilegge” (The Outlaws)
26 (21.12.50) - “Una ragazza senza paura” (A Girl Without Fear)
27 (04.01.51) - “Duello al Corral” (Duel at the Corral)
28 (11.01.51) - “Il mandato di cattura” (The Arrest Warrant)
29 (18.01.51) - “La fuga di John” (John’s Escape)
30 (25.01.51) - “Alba drammatica” (Dramatic Dawn)

ARIZONA (AR) (Arizona)
31 (01.02.51) - “La legge del più forte” (The Law of the Strongest)
32 (08.02.51) - “Il dramma di una città” (The Drama of a City)
33 (15.02.51) - “Tradimento” (Betrayal)
34 (22.02.51) - “Furto diabolico” (Diabolical Theft)
35 (01.03.51) - “L’attacco dei Sioux” (The Attack of the Sioux)
36 (08.03.51) - “Nozze di sangue” (Blood Wedding)

ZORRO (ZO) (Zorro)
37 (15.03.51) - “Zorro ritorna” (Zorro Returns)
38 (22.03.51) - “Zorro alla riscossa” (Zorro to the Rescue)
39 (29.03.51) - “L’attacco dal cielo” (The Attack from the Sky)
40 (05.04.51) - “Spedizione notturna” (Night Expedition)
41 (12.04.51) - “Sabotaggio” (Sabotage)
42 (19.04.51) - “Il trionfo di Zorro” (The Triumph of Zorro)

Serie II
DAN LO SCERIFFO (film “I predoni della città”) (DS) Dan the Sheriff (movie "Raiders of the City")
01 (26.04.51) - “Terribile minaccia” (Terrible Threat)
02 (03.05.51) - “Notte infernale” (Hel Night)
03 (10.05.51) - “Spedizione pericolosa” (Dangerous Shipment)
04 (17.05.51) - “Lotta a morte” (Fight to the Death)
05 (24.05.51) - “La mandria scatenata” (The Herd Unleashed)
06 (31.05.51) - “La fine di un bandito” (The End of a Bandit)

KIT CARSON (film “La grande cavalcata”) (KC) Kit Carson (movie The Great Ride)
07 (07.06.51) - “Kit Carson” (Kit Carson)
08 (14.06.51) - “Agguato notturno” (Night Ambush)
09 (21.06.51) - “La fine di un traditore” (The End of a Traitor)
10 (28.06.51) - “La morte in agguato” (Death Lurking)
11 (05.07.51) - “Notte tragica” (Tragic Night)
12 (12.07.51) - “Kit Carson all’opera” (Kit Carson at Work)

HOPPY COW BOY SENZA PAURA (HO) Hoppy Cowboy Without Fear (movie The Great Ride
13 (19.07.51) - “Ladri di bestiame” (Cattle Thieves)
14 (26.07.51) - “La congiura” (The Conspiracy)
15 (02.08.51) - “L’imboscata” (The Ambush)
16 (09.08.51) - “Sul sentiero di guerra” (On the War Path)
17 (16.08.51) - “La grande prova” (The Great Trial)
18 (23.08.51) - “La valle del gufo” (The Valley of the Owl)

CHEYENNE LA FUORILEGGE (film “Gli avvoltoi”) (CF) Cheyenne the Outlaw (movie The Vultures)
19 (30.08.51) - “I fuorilegge” (The Outlaws)
20 (06.09.51) - “L’assalto alla banca” (The Assault on the Bank)
21 (13.09.51) - “L’agguato” (The Ambush)
22 (20.09.51) - “Cheyenne ritorna” (Cheyenne Returns)
23 (27.09.51) - “La città morta” (The Dead City)
24 (04.10.51) - “La belva umana” (The Human Beast)

IL FIGLIO DI TARZAN (FT) The Son of Tarzan
25 (11.10.51) - “Piovuto dal cielo” (Rained from the Sky)
26 (18.10.51) - “L’attacco dei cannibali” (The Attack of the Cannibals)
27 (25.10.51) - “Il figlio di Tarzan” (The Son of Tarzan)
28 (01.11.51) - “Prigionieri dei cannibali” (Prisoners of the Cannibals)
29 (08.11.51) - “Il supplizio” (The Torture)
30 (15.11.51) - “Gli elefanti alla riscossa” (The Elephants to the Rescue)

TARZAN E LA DONNA LEOPARDO (TD) Tarzan and the Leopard Woman)
31 (22.11.51) - “La carovana distrutta” (The Destroyed Caravan)
32 (29.11.51) - “L’assalto dei leopardi” (The Assault of the Leopards)
33 (06.12.51) - “Piccolo in pericolo” (Little in Danger)
34 (13.12.51) - “Prigioniero” (Prisoner)
35 (20.12.51) - “Nel covo dei leopardi” (In the Leopard’s Den0
36 (27.12.51) - “La caverna maledetta” (The Cursed Cave)

TARZAN E LE AMAZZONI (TA) Tarzan and the Amazons
37 (03.01.52) - “Una ragazza misteriosa” (A Mysterious Girl)
38 (10.01.52) - “La città nascosta” (The Hidden City)
39 (17.01.52) - “Il bracciale d’oro” (The Gold Bracelet)
40 (24.01.52) - “Il ritorno dalla giungla” (The Return from the Jungle)
41 (31.01.52) - “Grave decisione” (Serious Decision)
42 (00.00.52) - “Prigionieri” (Prisoners)
43 (14.02.52) - “La febbre dell’oro” (Gold Fever)
44 (21.02.52) - “La palude della morte” (The Swamp of Death)

TARZAN E I CACCIATORI BIANCHI (TC) Tarzan and the White Hunters
45 (28.02.52) - “La legge della giungla” (The Law of the Jungle0
46 (06.03.52) - “Lo stagno dei coccodrilli” (The Crocodile Pond)
47 (13.03.52) - “La beffa di Tarzan” (Tarzan’s Mockery)
48 (20.03.52) - “Il redivivo” (The Revived)
49 (27.03.52) - “La vendetta degli elefanti” (Revenge of the Elephants)

IL TRIONFO DI TARZAN (TT) The Triumph of Tarzan
50 (03.04.52) - “L’aquila d’acciaio” (The Steel Eagle0
51 (10.04.52) - “L’insidia” (The Pitfall)
52 (17.04.52) - “Gli schiavi” (The Slaves)
53 (24.04.52) - “Le piovre” (The Octopuses)
54 (01.05.52) - “L’invincibile” (The Invincible)

55 (08.05.52) - “Alla riscossa” (To the Rescue)
56 (15.05.52) - “Vittoria” (Victory)

TARZAN E LE SIRENE (TS) Tarzan and the Sirens
57 (22.05.52) - “Dramma sul mare” (Drama on the Sea)
58 (29.05.52) - “Il rapimento di Mara” (The Kidnapping of Mara)
59 (05.06.52) - “L’isola tabù” (The Taboo Island)
60 (12.06.52) - “Colpo di scena” (Twist)
61 (19.06.52) - “Ritorno al tempio” (Return to the Temple)
62 (26.06.52) - “La fine di un impostore” (The End of an Impostor)

TARZAN CONTRO I MOSTRI (TM) Tarzan Against the Monsters)
63 (03.07.52) - “Avventura nel deserto” (Adventure in the Desert)
64 (10.07.52) - “La donna segata in due” (The Woman Sawed in Two)
65 (17.07.52) - “Il messaggio segreto” (The Secret Message)
66 (24.07.52) - “Condanna a morte” (Death Sentence)
67 (31.07.52) - “Salvataggio movimentato” (Moved Rescue)
68 (07.08.52) - “Morte nella giungla” (Death in the Jungle)
69 (14.08.52) - “La grotta maledetta” (The Cursed Cave)

TARZAN E LE SCHIAVE (TSC) Tarzan and the Slaves
70 (21.08.52) - “I rapitori” (The Kidnappers)
71 (28.08.52) - “La scomparsa di Jane” (The Disappearance of Jane)

72 (04.09.52) - “La città segreta” (The Secret City)
73 (11.09.52) - “Sepolte vive” (Buried Alive)
74 (18.09.52) - “Il tempio della morte” (The Temple of Death)
75 (26.09.52) - “La fossa dei leoni” (The Lion’s Den)

TARZAN E LA FONTANA MAGICA (TF) Tarzan and the Magic Fountain
76 (02.10.52) - “Il diario” (The Diary)
77 (09.10.52) - “Il guercio”
78 (16.10.52) - “Il guerriero azzurro” (The Blue Warrior)
79 (00.00.52) - “Le insidie della giungla” (The Pitfalls of the Jungle)
80 (00.00.52) - “Il mantello nero” (The Black Cloak)
81 (03.11.52) - “Morte sulla roccia” (Death on the Rock)

TARZAN SUL SENTIERO DI GUERRA (TG) Tarzan on the Trail of War
82 (10.11.52) - “Contrabbando d’armi” (Arms Smugglers)
83 (17.11.52) - “Il vampiro della giungla” (The Jungle Vampire)
84 (27.11.52) - “Tarzan in pericolo” (Tarzan in Danger)
85 (09.12.52) - “La morte in agguato” (Death Lurking)
86 (16.12.52) - “La grande battaglia” (The Great Battle)
87 (18.12.52) - “Giustizia è fatta” (Justice is Done)

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