Friday, September 16, 2022

Spaghetti Western Trivia ~ “Kid Rodelo” directors


Little Time Lost to Illness

MADRID – Richard Carlson, directing and starring in the Paramount western “Kid Rodelo,” was stricken with acute stomach cramps during the height of location filming in the Alicante Province of Spain, and rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment and tests.

Executive producer Ellis Sard, realizing that precious time would be lost with Carlson temporarily incapacitated, assumed the directional reins of the film and continued filming scenes that did not require the ailing actor.

Returning to the set following his recovery, Carlson found that only a half day’s filming had been lost during his hospital confinement.


[Submitted by Mike Hauss]



  1. If I recall correctly, he still got to direct the film. By my God, that voice from Broderick Crawford. Makes me wanna strangle a billy goat.

  2. I haven't seen "Kid Rodelo" in a long time but I STILL think that Broderick Crawford's voice sounds like he swallowed a frog while drinking beer. LOL
