Sunday, May 14, 2023

Who Are Those Singers & Musicians ~ Grupul 5T


Grupul 5T was a group of Romanian pop-dance singers who were well known during the 1980's. The members of the group were: Elena Abagiu, Mihaela Boboc, Rodica Vasile, Adriana Anastasiei and Calina Anastasiei. The five girls were heard as backup singers to several Romanian singers during the late 1970s and 1980s  and were also known as: 5T, „5 T“, Ансамбль «5T», Formația Vocală «5 T», Grup 5T, Grupul 5 T, Grupul ‚‚5T’’, Grupul “5T”, Grupul „5 T“, Grupul „5T“, Grupul vocal „5 T“, Grupul vocal „5T“, The "5 T" Group

Adriana Anastasiei and Calina Anastasiei were sisters and Rodica Vasile appeared in the 1978 film “The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians” where the group sang a song on the soundtrack.

5T (aka 5 T, Ансамбль «5T», Formația Vocală «5 T», Grup 5T, Grupul 5 T, Grupul ‚‚5T’’, Grupul “5T”, Grupul „5 T“, Grupul „5T“, Grupul vocal „5 T“, Grupul vocal „5T“, The "5 T" Group (ABAGIU, Elena , BOBOC, Mihaela , VASILE, Rodica , ANASTASIEI, Adriana , ANASTASIEI, Calina) – Romanian female pop singing group.

The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians – 1978 [sings: “Come and Show Me”]

1 comment:

  1. I know nothing about this group and cannot find anything on them. Any help will do.
