Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Presented at S. Angelo “Spaghetti in Almeria” (2022).

 Perugia Today

By Sandro Francesco Allegrini

May 20. 2023

Presented at S. Angelo “Spaghetti in Almeria” (2022) by Fabio Melelli and Michele Patucca. A short film that gives an account of the locations of the spaghetti western.

The magnificent couple of film historians and film makers tells, in a 42-minute medium-length film, the great season of the Italian western.

The documentary is a story that unfolds as a travelogue in the famous Spanish province where hundreds of films have been shot. Western and not only.

A fun and refined diegesis of one of the greatest experts of the tenth muse.

To discover unique locations, which have substantially preserved the appearance of the sixties and seventies.

The villages built for Sergio Leone's films are among the destinations of this fascinating journey to discover the Myth, of a West admirably recreated in the Andalusian region.

In short: a West/East. Without cheating, but with the refined ambiguity of cinematic affabulatory deception.

It was also possible to find out where the station of "Once Upon a Time in the West" was rebuilt and in which city the Mexico of Tepepa, the famous spaghetti-western with Orson Welles, was set.

The documentary was also successfully premiered at the Roma Tre University, as part of the Italian Cinema course, held by Professor Christian Uva.


Trailer link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=vWW499fttac

1 comment:

  1. "Spaghetti In Almeria" sounds like a fun film. It really explore the Spaghetti Western subgenre and sees it for what it is. A masterpiece.
