Monday, January 16, 2023

European Western Comic Books - ALBI URRÀ (Red Ryder - Vic Flint - Liliana - Gordon Fife - Buffalo Bill)


ALBI URRÀ (Red Ryder - Vic Flint - Liliana - Gordon Fife - Buffalo Bill)

This comic book series was inaugurated by Red Ryder (RR) by Fred Harman; from #8 appears Vic Flint (VF) by Ernest Lynn (Michael O'Malley) and Ralph Lane, alternating with Red Ryder. In #19 debuts Liliana (Connie) (LI) by Frank Godwin, in #27 Gordon Fife (GF) by Bob Moore and Carl Pfeufer and #29 Buffalo Bill (BB) by R. Giffey. Announced but never published #35, “The Phantom Stagecoach”, dedicated to Castoretto, Red Ryder’s partner. The series then continued with a new series featuring Tarzan.

This comic book series was first published in 1947 with issue #1 released on February 18, 1947 and ended with #34 on January 4, 1948. It was published by EMO The World Editions in Milan, Italy under the direction of D. Romanelli. It was a weekly with each issue containing 12 black & white pages with color covers.


01 (18.02.47) - “Zanna Acuta” (RR) (Acuta Fang)

02 (25.02.47) - “La valle del terrore” (RR) (The Valley of Terror)

03 (15.03.47) - “Il lupo maledetto” (RR) (The Cursed Wolf)

04 (22.03.47) - “La città dell’oro” (RR) (The City of Gold)

05 (29.03.47) - “Tre dita” (RR) (Three Fingers)

06 (05.04.47) - “La volpe” (RR) (The Fox)

07 (12.04.47) - “Pietro il pirata” (RR) (Peter the Pirate)

08 (17.04.47) - “La perla maledetta” (VF) (The Cursed Pearl)

09 (07.05.47) - “Joe il baro” (RR) (Joe the Cheater)

10 (17.05.47) - “L’attimo della morte” (VF) (The Moment of Death)

11 (09.06.47) - “I fuorilegge di Rimrok” (RR) (The Outlaws of Rimrock)

12 (19.06.47) - “Il mistero del rapido” (The Mysterious Rapids)

13 (09.07.47) - “L’antro dei bufali” (RR) (The Cave of the Buffaloes)

14 (19.07.47) - “La prigione del cobra” (RR) (The Prison of the Cobra)

15 (05.08.47) - “Agguato al Forte Ellis” (RR) (Ambush at Fort Ellis)

16 (20.08.47) - “La sponda aurifera” (RR) (The Gold Bank)

17 (10.09.47) - “Il fantasma” (RR) (The Ghost)

18 (20.09.47) - “Il ladro invisibile” (RR) (The Invisible Thief)

19 (30.09.47) - “All’erta a Venere” (LI) (Alert to Venus)

20 (10.10.47) - “Il tradimento di Zeeglun” (LI) (The Betrayal of Zeeglun)

21 (20.10.47) - “I conquistatori dell’atomo” (LI) (The Conquerors of the Atom)

22 (10.11.47) - “La pattuglia eroica” (The Heroic Patrol)

23 (20.11.47) - “Per l’onore” (RR) (For the Honor)

24 (30.11.47) - “Meteora” (LI) (Meteora)

25 (10.12.47) - “Il castello del terrore” (LI) (The Castle of Terror)

26 (20.12.47) - “Sonia la spia!” (LI) (Sonia the Spy!)

27 (30.12.47) - “Lo specchio azzurro” (GF) (The Blue Mirror)

28 (10.01.48) - “Ingrid, l’ultima Valkyria” (Leporini) (Ingrid, the Last Valkyria)

29 (20.01.48) - “Lo sparviero” (BB) (The Sparrowhawk)

30 (30.01.48) - “Aquila Bianca” (BB) (White Eagle)

31 (10.02.48) - “Le montagne della morte” (BB) (The Mountains of Death)

32 (05.03.48) - “Il colle della luna” (BB) (The Hill of the Moon)

33 (15.03.48) - “Appuntamento alla boa” (VF) (Appointment at the buoy)

34 (01.04.48) - “La freccia avvelenata” (VF) (The Poisoned Arrow)

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