in all his work, he often played in comic roles. Outstanding roles with
director Luis García Berlanga , as the con man dressed as a Roman in "Esa
Pareja Feliz" (co-directed by Rafael Bardem ), as the doctor in
"Welcome Mr. Marshall" as well as a doctor in "Los Jueves,
Milagro". Fernández appeared in five Euro-westerns from his role as Paco
in “The Savage Guns” in 1961 to “A Few Dollars for Django” in 1966.
was married to voice actress Irene Guerrero de Luna [1911-1996].
died in Valdetorres del Jarama, Madrid, of a heart attack while filming the
movie, "The
Treasure of Father O'Hara" on July 4, 1966.
we remember Félix Fernández on what would have been his 115th
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