From the second half of the sixties, for about fifteen years, he began writing and directing at the same time all kinds of movie soundtracks, going largely unrecognized. In radio he worked in various programs, including ‘Tutta la città ne parla’ (with Turi Ferro) ‘Le piace la radio?, Il microfono è vostro’ (by Nunzio Filogamo).
During the 1960s he composed nine scores for Euro-westerns including his now infamous score for “The Forgotten Pistolero” (1969) which has been used world-wide in commercials and other advertising venues as a representation of the sound of the West.
In the eighties he formed a swing group called the “Swing Sextet in Rome” including Franco Chiari vibraphone, clarinet Masters Baldo, Carlo Pes on guitar, bass and Roberto Alessio Urso Zappulla on drums, the group recorded for Fonit - Cetra including the album Five Continents.
In 2003 he was awarded a trophy for his career as an arranger and composer of light music.
Pregadio died in Rome on November 15, 2010, at the age of 81 years.
Today we remember Roberto Pregadio on what would have been his 85th birthday.
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