In the 1930s, he married Joey and fathered two children, Richard and Joanne. He earned an M.A. at UCLA and then published his first science fiction story, entitled "Music of the Spheres" in Amazing Stories in 1935. In the 1940s and 1950s, Byrne had stories published in Science Stories, Amazing Stories, Imagination Magazine, and Other Worlds Magazine. He published under his own name and the pseudonyms Rothayne Amare, John Bloodstone, Howard Dare, and Marx Kaye.
He was especially noted as the creator of Michael Flanagan, the hero of three stories that appeared in Amazing Stories: The Land Beyond the Lens, The Golden Gods, and The Return of Michael Flannigan, all credited to his alias John Bloodstone.
As a screenwriter, Byrne wrote for the ‘Men into Space’ TV show 1959-1960. He received credit for the story of the 1971 film called "The Deserter" as well as the original story and screenplay for the 1972 film "The Doomsday Machine". According to Bleiler and Bleiler, he was also a screenwriter for the 1975 film “Journey into Fear”.
Stuart J. Byrne died on September 23, 2011 in Ojai, California.
Today we remember Stuart J. Byrne on what would have been his 100th birthday.
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