Captain Miki 2
This is the first reprint of Captain Miki made by
Dardo in the golden album format: Series I/VII collects the first seven series
in strips, Series VIII collects the eighth and ninth series in strips. Using
the same series, the publisher also publishes the reprints of The Great Blek.
From July 15, 1957, the new series of the Collana Prateria begins, which
publishes in each album both the adventures of Captain Miki and those of
The Great Blek. Covers were by Alberico Motta, Emilio Uberti (Series
III/VIII), Antonio Canale and others. Images were drawn by Dionigi Vescardi
Series I Capitan Miki
#1 (September 15, 1953) #14 (April 1, 1954)
Series II Capitan Miki vs. Magic Face
#1 (April 15, 1954) #7 (July 15, 1954)
Series III Capitan Miki and Tawega the Mohican
#1 (August 1, 1954) #7 (November 1, 1954)
Series IV Capitan Miki and the Redcoats
#1 (November 15, 1954) #7 (February 15, 1955)
Series V Capitan Miki and the Spies of S. Francisco
#1 (March 1, 1955) #7 (10 June 1955)
Series VI Captain Miki against Diablito
#1 (15 June 1955) #7 (September 15, 1955)
Series VII Captain Miki and the pirates of the lagoon
#1 (1 Oct. 1955) #7 (1 Jan. 1956)
Series VIII Captain Miki and the Western Scrollers
#1 (15 Jan. 1956) #14 (1 Aug. 1956)
The series was published in 1953 with issue #1 released on
September 15, 1953 and ended with issue #14 on August 1, 1956. It was published
in Milan, Italy by Casa Editrice Dardo (CED) by editor Franco Bagolini.
Serie I “Capitan Miki” (Captain Miki)
Serie II “Magic Face contro Capitan Miki” (Magic Face versus
Captain Miki)
Serie III “Capitan Miki e Tawenga” (Capitan Miki and Tawenga)
Serie IV “Capitan Miki e le Giubbe Rosse” (Captain Miki and
the Red Jackets)
Serie V “Capitan Miki e le spie di San Francisco” (Capitan
Miki and the Spy of San
Serie VI “Capitan Miki e Diablito” (Capitan Miki and
Serie VII “Capitan Miki e nuvola nera” (Captain Miki and
Black Cloud)
Serie VIII “Capitan Miki e gli scorridori del West” (Capitan
Miki and His Ride from the