The Odeon Covent Garden, London
FAB Press have teamed up with the Cine-Excess Film Festival, who will be hosting FRANCO NERO (Django, Keoma) and RUGGERO DEODATO (Cannibal Holocaust, House on the Edge of the Park) as headline guests.
Franco Nero will be in town to help promote the release of Any Gun Can Play: The Essential Guide to Euro-westerns. 450 pages, hardback, stunningly illustrated and with a foreword by Django himself, Franco Nero, this book exposes the full, vibrant history of the Euro-western.
Cine-Excess V features an exciting selection of exclusive UK theatrical premieres, several stunning retrospective screenings, and over 30 separate talks on cult controversies including the realist footage in Cannibal Holocaust, 1970s sexploitation, Franco Nero's cult roles, Enzo G. Castellari's crime films, Rob Zombie's cinema, the cult of controversy around A Serbian Film, and audience reactions to Deodato's House on the Edge of the Park, along with a panel debate featuring a BBFC representative and Deodato himself.

Cine-Excess V is open to all Cult Film Fans aged 18 and over. Visit the Cine-Excess website during the next few weeks for updates including a full schedule for the event, along with ticket booking details.

I've got this one on pre-order from Amazon. Can't wait to get it.