Sunday, August 11, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Felipe Calvo

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Felipe Calvo Viudes was born in Madrid, Spain on May 26, 1937. At the age of 20 he was already actively involved in the world of Greco-Roman wrestling, at 40 he was seen weekly fighting on television and in many other shows. His stage name was really "Ursus", given his height and corpulence, although over time he ended up introducing himself as "Mister Fiera" since that is how he was known on television. In 1979 he was proclaimed X'ondo World Champion.

Since Christmas 1978 fans could enjoy his fights in the show "Los Héroes del X'ondo" within the TVE program "Fantástico", presented by José María Íñigo. This show also had galas throughout the peninsula.

Over time he ended up settling in the town of Mollet del Vallés (Barcelona), where he owned his own gym. In Mollet he met his wife, Nati Podadera, the marriage spawned two children: Felipe and Silvia.

A common occurrence for wrestlers of the time was to participate in film productions as stuntmen. Mister Fiera appeared in two Spaghetti Westerns: Rio Maldito (1966) where he played a Mexican,; Seven Guns for Timothy (1966) where he appeared in the role of Morby and in the film "Adiós, Tiburón" (1996) working with Josema Yuste.

He also worked as a bodyguard, took care of the security of President Adolfo Suárez and even the famous singer of the 1970s and 1980s Leif Garrett.

Felipe Calvo Viudes died in March 2017.

CALVO, Felipe (aka Mister Fiero, Ursus) (Felipe Calvo Viudes) [5/26/1937, Madrid, Madrid, Spain – 3/?/2017, Spain] – wrestler, choreographer, film actor, married to Nati Podadera, father of Felipe Calvo, actress Silvia Calvo.

The Man from Canyon City – 1965 (Mexican)

7 Pistols for a Gringo – 1965 (Morby)

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