Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Toni Carré, the actor who always plays the villain

 This actor from Almeria always plays the bad guy or the villain in his films

His mustache is something that characterizes him for its resemblance to a Mexican profile; he assures that with him he has never lacked work

Diario de Almeria

By Rubén García Felices

August 4, 2024

Actor and director of his own film productions, José Antonio Carreño Fernández, better known as Toni Carre, has earned a place in Almeria cinema. And no wonder! He has worked as a professional actor in the feature films “Juan Apóstol, el más amado” (Conrado Martínez, 2016), “The Sisters Brothers” (Jacques Audiard, 2018), “Jesús de Nazaret” (Rafael Lara, 2019), “Domino” (Brian De Palma, 2019), “Way Down” (Jaume Balagueró, 2021), “Con los años que me queda” (Frank Ariza, 2022) and “Camino a Belén” (Adam Anders, 2023); and in the short films “Strange Way of Life” (Pedro Almodóvar, 2023), “Blessing, Blood and Mother-of-Pearl” (Andrés Macho, 2024) and “Cursed Revenue” (Andrés Macho, 2024), among others. On television he has been seen in the series ‘Amar es para siempre’ (season 6) (various creators, 2017), alongside actress Anabel Alonso; ‘The Man Who Fell to Earth’ (Alex Kurtzman and Jenny Lumet, 2022); and ‘Los Farad’ (various creators, 2023), under the direction of Mariano Barroso. He is now immersed in the final editing of his first film, “A Dream Come True”, a feature film that he has produced and directed himself, by his own means. The actor's mustache is something that characterizes him. Toni assures that with that mustache he has never lacked work, because of its resemblance to a Mexican profile. As for his personal life, he was born in Almeria, on June 26, 1966, within a family of 6 siblings, he married Doris, with whom he has 2 daughters and a son (Rosi, Doris and José Antonio), and 2 grandchildren (Juanjo and Álvaro).

R. G. F.: How and when did your passion for cinema arise?

Toni: From the age of 7 or 8, every weekend I traveled with my father from Huércal de Almería to Gérgal, passing through the film sets, and I would look out the car window to see if I saw any gunmen, or if there was a film being shot. I remember that my father often used to comment on the shoots that had been done in that area. My idol was the actor Burt Lancaster, because I had a brother in Almeria. I was also passionate about action stuntmen and, in particular, Luis' Los Mortales group. Apart from that, every Sunday I went with my friends and family to the cinema in Huércal de Almería. But it wasn't until the filming of “Conan the Barbarian” (John Milius, 1982) that my craze for the seventh art really began. I remember that every day I tried to sneak in and see something on the set of this iconic film. And I even immediately signed up for the union of extras and extras of cinema in Almeria to see if they would take me to participate in a shoot.

R. G. F.: Have you taken any acting courses? And what about direction?

Toni: Yes. In December 2015 I started an intensive acting course at the 32 stories film school in Almeria, which I found exciting, so the following year, I took the initial course, then the advanced course (2017) and in 2018 the professional course. After the coronavirus pandemic, in 2021 I took another professional course and also updated my videobook. And in 2023, I repeated both the professional course and the videobook. In terms of direction, I have taken online classes. To this day I have not disconnected from school and I continue to maintain a professional bond.

R. G. F.: When was the first time you worked as an actor?

Toni: It was in 2016 on the set of “Juan Apóstol, el más amado”. A friend of mine, David, from Mojitos Karma, told me that they were looking for a profile like mine. When I arrived at the shoot I spoke with Leo "el Argentino", and they gave me a small part role as an actor to play a rabbi. I worked on this film for about twelve days. Later, this same production company, Beverly Hills, came back to Almeria to make another film, “Jesus of Nazareth”, and they offered me once again a small part as an actor.

R. G. F.: Tell me what you did before discovering your acting side.

Toni: I have always been linked to the audiovisual world. Since I was 20 years old, I have dedicated myself to beekeeping making television programs where I appear explaining the management of hives. Apart from this, I have been working as a factor in Renfe and Adif for 39 years (although this has nothing to do with cinema).

R. G. F.: What qualities do you have to have to be a good film actor?

Toni: Humility, perseverance and formation.

R. G. F.: You've worked with directors such as Brian De Palma and Jaume Balagueró, among others. What would you highlight about working with Pedro Almodóvar? And what do you think of Jacques Audiard?

Toni: Of Almodóvar I would highlight his confidentiality. The employment contract of “Strange Way of Life” has been the most exhaustive I have ever signed in my life. As for Jacques Audiard, he is a great director. In “The Sisters Brothers” he had an exquisite treatment with the whole team. In this film we shared the set with actor John C. Kelley and costume director Milena Canonero (winner of four Academy Awards).

R. G. F.: What other film artists have you worked with?

Toni: With important names such as José Coronado (on about three occasions), Chiwetel Ejiofor, Anabel Alonso, Jean Dujardin, Julián Gil, etc.

R. G. F.: You shot “Way Down” (2021) with Jaume Balagueró, how was that?

Toni: It was impressive because we had half of Madrid to shoot this film. There were around 600 people between extras and special extras, and there were many coordinators and a good organization. I remember the military vehicles (some tanks) driving along Calle de Alcalá, and the soldiers telling us not to push them so much (he smiles). I participated in the sequence when thousands of fans gathered at the doors of the Bank of Spain in the final of the World Cup in South Africa. The filming was done at night, from 4 in the afternoon until 6 in the morning.

R. G. F.: “Blessing, Blood and Mother of Pearl” (by our friend Andrés Macho), which premiered on July 20th for its first audience at the “Gabriel Antonio Morales de Mata” Multipurpose Cultural Space in Benahadux, has been a huge success with the public. How did you prepare for your role? And what sequence in this film is the one that, when you watch it, makes you feel satisfied?

Toni: The construction of my character, which took me several weeks, had a very complicated bible. However, being in the comfort zone, the warm-up was easy. And answering your second question: the sequence in the cantina, which lasts about 4 minutes, and in which the main objective of the work is conveyed.

R. G. F.: You have played villains and tough guys. Do you like playing the bad guy?

Toni: Yes, I like it. Curiously, my profile is always that of a bad guy or a villain, so it's easy for me to do it.

R. G. F.: Tell me about a role you've played that you're especially proud of.

Toni: The best role I've played to date is the one I played in my film “A Dream Come True”.

R. G. F.: “A Dream Come True” (2022) is your first feature film, how did this script and this film come about?

Toni: My interest arose when I discovered that Walt Disney was born in Mojácar. In order to do my research and be able to tell a story based on real events, I had to spend a year and a half gathering information in that town. The story that needed to be told was that of his mother, Isabel Zamora, a young washerwoman, who in 1900 had to leave Mojácar, board a boat and continue travelling alone for a long time, without help or food, heading for Chicago. It was necessary for the technical team and the main character, María del Mar García Rubira, to travel to Azpeitia (Basque Country), to be able to film on a period steam train, as well as in green and leafy landscapes.

R. G. F.: What was it like to be both an actor and a director in the same feature film?

Toni: Very complicated. Not only was I an actor and director, but I also had many departments under my charge: runner, catering, props, art and costumes. Of course, always with the help of Emilio Cantón. Besides, working with new actors delays the shooting.

R. G. F.: Before this work, you directed three short films: “Western” (2016), “Life” (2016) and “Morgan, the Wine from Afar” (2017). In what sense do these short films have any relationship?

Toni: The three shorts were shot over a fourteen-month period of time. They reflect my love for the western genre. As a curious fact, in all of them I include a protagonist by the name of Morgan, but they are different characters. It should be noted that these short films were screened at the Almería Western Film Festival (AWFF), an event I attend every year. And I want to say one thing, that I am very happy with the return of its director, Juan Francisco Viruega, who will host this 14th edition of the festival.

R. G. F.: What do you prefer: directing or acting?

Toni: Interpreting, without a doubt. Working on the tool, the method, only artists do.

R. G. F.: Is there any type of public aid or funding in Almeria to be able to make independent film productions?

Toni: If there is, I don't know of it.

R. G. F.: How do you finance your film or short film projects to be able to bring them to reality?

Toni: From my pocket, solely and exclusively. I would like there to be a film production company in Almeria where the different departments necessary for the development of a production are hired, since here they always use production companies from outside the province.

R. G. F.: In your opinion, what role do you think Almeria's film festivals should play in the creative production of filmmakers?

Toni: In the province we have the Almeria International Film Festival (FICAL), the Almeria Western Film Festival (AWFF), the Berja National Film Festival (FESCINAB) and the "Ciudad de Vera" Short Film Festival. I am convinced that these festivals should support and promote our cinema more, the cinema of the producers and filmmakers of Almeria. I have never seen an Almerian collect an award (for one of their films or short films) at one of our festivals. All film festivals in other cities have an exclusive section for their local filmmakers, but that is not even considered here.

R. G. F.: Two artists from our country who stand out for their career in cinema.

Toni: Antonio Saldaña. He works as an actor in all the shootings that come to Almeria; even in Madrid he has an extensive curriculum. And as an extra, Mari Fe. She is the one who has worked the most and works in figuration.

R. G. F.: How do you see the future of cinema in general?

Toni: With artificial intelligence there is greater profitability, but less time for production; so the soul of cinema will be lost. This is just around the corner.

R. G. F.: What recent projects have you worked on and are you currently working on?

Toni: My latest works have been as an actor in the series Zorro, by creators Benjamin Charbit and Noé Debré, and in a western video clip by the youtuber Michou. Now I'm immersed in a shoot of Mírame Almería, by Miguel Montoya.

R. G. F.: If there's anything else you want to say, now is the time.

Toni: I thank my family for allowing me to steal time from them to dedicate to what I am passionate about: cinema.

CARRENO, José Antonio (aka Toni Carré) (José Antonio Carreño Fernández) [19??, Huércal de Almería, Almeria, Spain -     ] – producer, director, writer, film actor.

Western – 2016 (Morgan)

La Vida – 2017 [as Toni Carré]

The Sisters Brothers – 2017

Strange Way of Life – 2022

Zorro - 2022

The Sacred Tunnel Manuscript – 2023

Cache-Cache geant au Far West! – 2024 (townsman)

Redito Maldito – 2024 (Pat Garrett)

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