Thursday, August 29, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Ricardo Canales

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Ricardo Canales Paniagua was born sometime in 1896, in Valladolid, Castilla y Leon, Spain. He was the son of the owner of the theater where he began his career, he decided to emigrate to Venezuela after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. An actor with a long career in his country, he settled in Argentina at the beginning of 1940 until 1950, the year in which he returned to his native country.

In cinema he debuted during the golden age of Argentine cinematography in 1942 with “Tú eres la paz”, directed by Gregorio Martínez Sierra, and starring Catalina Bárcena and Alicia Barrié. He said goodbye with “Don Juan Tenorio” in 1949, under the direction of Luis César Amadori and starring Luis Sandrini and Tita Merello.

In the theater he was a member of the Margarita Xirgú Company, the Eugenia Zúffoli Company and then his own.

He was married to Susana Niaucel and they had two children, Ricardo Canales Niaucel, born in Valencia on September 27, 1924, who died in Buenos Aires on August 15, 1993 (he became manager of the Association of Theater Entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires-Argentina) and Susana Canales Niaucel, born in Madrid on September 5, 1933, who developed her talent as an actress in her father's company and in film.

Ricardo Canales died in Madrid, Spain on October 4, 1978 at the age of 82.

Canales appeared in two Spaghetti westerns “Django non perdona” (Django Does Not Forgive) in 1966 as Renoir and also that same year as the village spokesman in “Los cuatro salvajes” (Ringo; the Face of Revenge).

CANALES, Ricardo (aka Riccardo Canale) (Ricardo Canales Paniagua) [1896, Valladolid, Castilla y Leon, Spain – 10/4/1978, Madrid, Madrid, Spain] – theater, film, TV actor, married to Susana Niaucel [1904-1986] (193?-1978) father of theater manager Ricardo Canales [1924-1993], actress Susana Canales (Susana Canales Niuce) [1933-2021].

Django Does Not Forgive – 1966 (Renoir)

Ringo; the Face of Revenge – 1966 (freed village spokesman)

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