Thursday, August 15, 2024

Balance of the "Trinità Days" in Camerata Nuova: success in the name of the Italian Western


By Alessandra Battaglia

August 12, 2024

From August 2 to the 4th, Camerata Nuova was transformed into a lively film set, thanks to the second edition of "Trinità Days". We offer you a short video to retrace the trio of days waiting for the video service with the whole story of the Spaghetti Western Festival. . The festival, promoted by the Pro Loco of Camerata Nuova under the guidance of President Francesco Fulgenzi and with the patronage of the Municipality of Camerata, administered by Mayor Settimio Liberati, celebrated Italian western cinema, in particular the legendary films with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. The event was attended by important authorities, including Pierluigi Sanna, Deputy Mayor of Roma Capitale and Mayor of Colleferro, who spent a day in Camerata Nuova to attend the performances and events.

The event, artistically directed by Marcello Vicini and Tiziano Carnevale, offered a rich and varied program, capable of involving hundreds of fans from all over Italy. The town square came alive with music, equestrian shows, stunt-men performances and country dances that brought back to life the atmosphere of classic spaghetti westerns.

Among the most acclaimed moments, near the town center, the equestrian shows and acrobatic performances of the stunt-men literally electrified the audience. The show thrilled the audience of all ages literally enraptured by the exceptional skill of the performers, skilled and very professional athletes who gave great emotions. Two special performances were also held at the Camerata Nuova Sports Field, giving moments of pure adrenaline. No less impressive were the choreography of country dances, performed with grace and energy by groups of girls and women in western outfits.

The festival paid homage to milestones of cinema such as "They Call Me Trinity" and "They Kept Calling It Trinity", and hosted figures in period costume who helped create a totally immersive experience. The presence of look-alikes of the famous characters Trinity and Child thrilled fans, while the food stands, with typical Tex-Mex dishes and local specialties, satisfied even the most demanding palates, with particular attention to the famous beans protagonists of many western scenes.

The event was presented by actress Yassmin Pucci, who also conducted interviews and round tables with special guests, in collaboration with cartoonist Alberto Baldisserotto. Among the most eagerly awaited guests, the intervention of Manuel de Blas, famous for the role of the "killer Paganini" in "... otherwise we get angry!", together with Paolo Fondato, screenwriter and assistant director of the same cult film. The presence of other iconic figures of western cinema made this edition truly special.

The "Trinità Days" also reserved space for the little ones and managed by Alberto Baldisserotto, with games, activities and western-themed workshops that allowed the whole family to be involved. In addition, the evocative location of Camposecco, at 1400 meters above sea level, offered a perfect setting to relive the atmosphere of the Old West. Also present was the Commissioner of the Simbruini Mountains Park Alberto Foppoli, a green territorial area where Camposecco also falls.

The final balance of the event is extremely positive. The President of the Pro Loco, Francesco Fulgenzi, said:

I am very happy with the great feedback obtained. This edition has given all of us at the Pro Loco great satisfaction for the success of the initiative. Thanks to the thousands of people who came to visit and thanks to all those who worked for the success of the event. I hope that the festival and the other planned activities can contribute to a tourist revival of Camerata Nuova, promoting knowledge of the territory and its link with cinema.

Marcello Vicini and Tiziano Carnevale, co-artistic directors, were also satisfied and said:

"This year we have structured the event into three days, each with a specific theme. We are very proud of the response of the public and the quality of the guests we were able to involve. It was a memorable edition, and we can't wait to start working on the next one. Thank you all."

With the closing of the "Trinità Days", Camerata Nuova puts away boots and belts for now, but we are already looking to the future, with the promise of even more exciting new editions. The festival proved to be an unmissable event for fans of the genre, consolidating the town's link with the glorious past of Italian western cinema.

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