Saturday, August 17, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Etta Cameron

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

 She grew up in a Baptist family in the Bahamas, before moving to the US at the age of nine. Times were tough for Caermon, who dreamed of being a doctor, but had five young siblings to raise after her mother died. 

From her early 20s, she began performing in jazz clubs as a professional singer and completed many tours of Europe.

It was during a tour to England in 1967 she was offered a job in Berlin. However, after losing her travel documentation on arrival and having her passport stolen, she was effectively trapped in East Berlin for the next five years.

In 1972, some Danish friends managed to smuggle her out from the Soviet-controlled German city.

Since then, she made a name for herself on the gospel circuit and was a beloved performer by Danish audiences.

Cameron was made a knight of the Order of the Dannebrog by the queen in 1997 and more recently appeared on three seasons of TV talent show ‘Scenen er din’.   

Etta’s only Euro-western was 1970’s “Osceola” where her singing voice was heard on the soundtrack, but she was not visible in the film itself.

CAMERON, Etta (Ettamae Louvita Coakley) [11/21/1939, Crooked Island, Bahamas, British West Indies – 3/4/2010, Århus, Denmark (cancer)] – film, TV actress, singer, married to ? Cameron (195?-196?) mother of singer Debbie Cameron (Deborah Elois Cameron) [1958-    ], singer Steve Cameron, made a Knight of Dannebrog [1997].

Osceola – 1970 (singer)

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