Sunday, August 25, 2024

Mila Stanic: I think that the real fortune is to have character


TV Radio Corriere

Interview by Ughetta Lanari


She confesses to me that she would have liked to have blue eyes, but hers, a warm brown, look great in that sunny and perfect face. Mila Stanic was born in Belgrade but has lived and worked in Italy since 1962. Her intelligence and maturity manage to distract from the beauty that has been successfully put to the service of theater and cinema. At seven, after a school play, Mila understood that she would become an actress and attended the Academy of Dramatic Arts against the wishes of her very strict parents, who dreamed of her as a doctor or lawyer. Among her fifteen films I remember “Il sorpasso”, “Le soldatesse”, “Uno strano tipo”, On TV she worked in the ‘Count of Montecristo’.

“I was lucky to have time to work with actors like Miserocchi, Tofano, Giachetti,” she says with humble pride.

Mila Stanic has been editing the GR 2 series ‘Photographic Album’ for ten years, broadcast on Sundays at 11:30, and after having been part of the editorial staff of ‘Italia Sera’, she presents on Radiotre, until the end of September, ‘Diario di rete’, from 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm from Monday to Friday, a summary of Radiotre's programs. She has been a journalist since 1975, and has collaborated with various weeklies, such as Gioia and Amica, with psychological and current affairs investigations. She has been collaborating with Rai for ten years.

Why did she stop being an actress?

"It was a choice that arose from a great internal struggle. I loved the theater very much, but even more so my daughter Sara, now nineteen. From the results obtained, I have never had to regret the choice I made."

Will you ever return to Belgrade?

“Yes, but it has changed a lot and rehashing the past with the people who populated the years in which I lived there causes me a subtle torment that I try to avoid.”

How has it changed?

“Western influence has denaturalized it. The image I have inside is a poetic image also because it is linked to my youth. I don’t think it’s right that the world levels itself by canceling habits, customs, hopes and dreams. I’m still a bit of a gypsy in my soul.”

What from that period still appears in your life?

I feel almost daily a desire to abandon myself, the desire to be pampered, the nostalgia for the enthusiasm that was not yet wounded from back then. I like to believe in fairy tales.”

And yet you are a very practical woman, do you believe in luck?

“I believe that having character is true luck, I face life in the first person, with passion, I have never backed away from joy or pain.”

Your greatest success as a woman?

“The part that I have supported with passion, dedication and success for nineteen years is that of a mother, but I also feel fulfilled professionally and, as a friend, appreciated by others.”

How do you see life?

“Sometimes like a big game to play, other times like a story already written that can no longer be changed.”

Do you love Mila Stanic?

“Yes, I love her but I am also strict, too much.”

What do you expect from this radio experience?

“A lot, I hope to come out of it positively.”

What do you appreciate in others?

“Intelligence combined with a sense of humor. It is essential to laugh and know how to make others laugh; what I really can’t stand is bad faith.”

Do you give more importance to rationality or intuition?

“I am capable of spending three hours reflecting on a problem to find the solution. Recognizing the opportunity that passes in front of you forces you to stop and this can make you lose your touch.”

Would you like to be able to go back?

“No, not even a day; I have lived my life as best I could.”

And what is in your future?

“I don’t really like organizing it because I’m not sure that what I think today is right for tomorrow, however my future is linked to something inside me that I would like to achieve, wisdom. Rome is a city that has given me a lot and I think that I have not disappointed it either, learning the language, absorbing its traditions, loving it. If to realize my ambition I could add the pieces of life that are due to me by staying here, I would be happy, but if I were to feel uncomfortable I am ready to leave.”

STANIC, Mila [1/30/1941, Přídolí, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic -    ] – journalist, model, film, TV actress, married to ? mother of Sara.

Gold Train - 1965 (Rosario)

Deguello – 1965 (Ann)

The Tall Women – 1966

When the Devil Grips a Colt – 1972 (Lisa)


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