Thursday, August 29, 2024

Spaghetti Western Pietrastornina, presentation of "The man who said no" by Mirko Alivernini

 Avellino Today

August 23, 3034

An important part of this third edition will be dedicated to cinema. To the cinema of the past, present and future." This is how the president Fulvio Urciuolo, sly and evasive, described the "cinema part" of Spaghetti Western Pietrastornina, an event that will take place on September 6, 7 and 8 in Pietrastornina Avellino, Italy. The cinematographic offer and the choice of guests are the result of the precious and patient collaboration born and consolidated with the "Camposecco Far West" group. A union of intentions with the rediscovery of the men, places and stories of Italian western cinema at the center. But that's not all.

That reference to the future had displaced us but now everything turns out to be much clearer. Mirko Alivernini will in fact be one of the guests who will take the stage of the Film Festival on the evening of the 8th.

Alivernini will present his latest work, "The man who said NO", a unique presentation specially designed for the audience of Spaghetti Western Pietrastornina, who will thus be able to (re)appreciate, also and not only, the talent of Massimo Vanni, who plays the protagonist, a pensioner forced to fight against an injustice. Vanni himself will be a guest, always on Sunday, of the event that will enrich with curiosities and anecdotes of his long and rich career.

"The Man Who Said NO" was in fact shot entirely with a Samsung S23Ultra smartphone. But not only the shooting phase, in fact the entire post-production has also been entrusted to this device, demonstrating how even new devices, such as smartphones, can represent a resource for the cinema system.

In short, a journey between Alivernini's futuristic vision, Massimo Vanni's past and, of course, the present. For a journey beyond the frontier of time. For a cinema, quoting Urciuolo, of the present, the past and the future. But be careful.

"Alivernini and Vanni are only the first two 'unlocked' protagonists – Maestro Alabisio we feel like considering him, always with the utmost respect, one of us, a friend, an illustrious friend, of Spaghetti Western – but there will be others and we will soon communicate them to you." - they confirm us from the association - "You just have to follow us step by step."

Meanwhile, the town begins its transformation.

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