Monday, August 12, 2024

European Western Comic Books – Bill Ranger


Bill Ranger

Thick comic strip featuring Spanish-produced western comics drawn by Cueto. Covers were drawn by Enzo Carretti (E. Car) and Raffaele Cormio (R. Fante). In the appendix The Black Hawk (BlackHawk) by Bill Woolfolk and Reed Crandall, Dennis The Menace by Hans Ketckan and The Green Primula by Luciano Secchi (Simplex) and Saverio Micheloni. Images were provided by Nestore Corti.

The comic book was published in 1963 with issue #1 released in June and it ended in February 1964. It was published in Milan, Italy by ECG under the direction of Cesare Manca and Andrea Como. Each issue contained 128 black and white pages with color covers.



01 (00.06.63) - “Il tesoro della fattoria” (The Treasure of the Farm)

02 (00.07.63) - “La miniera sepolta” (The Buried Mine)

03 (00.08.63) - “La giustizia della colt” (The Justice of the Colt)

04 (00.09.63) - “Sfida nella nebbia” (Challenge in the Fog)

05 (00.10.63) - “Il solitario” (The Solitaire)

06 (00.11.63) - “Sam il pacifico” (Peaceful Sam)

07 (00.12.63) - “Aquila reale” (Golden eagle)

08 (00.01.64) - “Aria del Texas” (Texas Air)

09 (00.02.64) - “Una stella nella polvere” (A Star in the Dust)

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