Saturday, September 2, 2023

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Chet Bakon

 [These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Chet Bakon has long been a frustrating enigma. He stars in his only Spaghetti western as OP in 1978’s “La ciudad maldita” (Red Harvest). Chet Bakon is surely an alias but who the actor really is has remained a mystery for almost 50 years. But once it’s in print or appears as fact in a database it is copied again and again until it’s regarded as fact.

For years his name was credited as an alias for Gianni Garko, which is laughable because they could never be mistaken for each other. Where Garko is light skinned and blonde Bakon is dark haired and skinned.

I’ve asked Lone Ferk, who was in the film, if she knew who’s Bakon real identity was and she had no idea. The only information any of us could recover was that the director of the film Juan Bosch, said he was a local (Barcelona) “third-rate regional actor”.

Until someone comes forward or information is discovered his identity remains a mystery.

BAKON, Chet (aka Chet Bacon) – stage, film actor.

Red Harvest – 1976 (OP)

1 comment:

  1. I always thought that his real name was Chet Baker and that he was born in Barcelona to American parents. He probably used the aliases of Chet Bakon and Chet Bacon to avoid confusion with another person or actor of the same name. But looking back now, I'm starting to have my doubts. If anyone else knows, please feel free to tell me.
