Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Spaghetti Western Podcast Season 5, Episode 11 #111


Join me today at 12 p.m. PST for another Spaghetti Western Podcast> Today we’ll be talking about in our History of the Spaghetti Western segment “The Return of Clay Stone” (aka The Damned Pistols of Dallas), In our “Whateve becam of…? segment we’ll talk about Daniel Martin and our “Who are those guys?” will feature George Rigaud. The film of the week is “A Man Called Gringo”. I’ll talk about a couple of CDs/LPs for the above films and a few posters. So you’re invited to join this session at noon PST today. I hope to see you then.


  1. George Rigaud , Jorge Rigaud , Argentina-Buenos Aires-he was in many Giallo movies of the 70s, Umberto Lenzi, Sergio Martino some other spanish directors,etc...Eyeball and the case of the Bloody Iris...and other movies.
    He died suddenly in a main Avenue of Spain after being released from intensive care in an urgency in a main hospital.
    He had gone there with fainting synthoms after an accident (the cardiac affair , you know), they told him he had nothing. He died.

  2. It's been a long time since Tom Betts has been on the air to do "The Spaghetti Westerns Podcast" so it should be fun. Hey, Claudio, tell Tom I said hello, will ya?
