In interviews, De Ossorio complained about the
mercilessly tiny budgets he was forced to work with, and he lamented that in
almost every case, the finished project never even came close to what he had
envisioned when he first conceived each film. Perhaps the prize for worst
special effects scene in film history may have to be awarded to the obvious toy
boat that sinks at the finale of "The Ghost Galleon" (1974); it
didn't even look like a toy, but rather more like a folded piece of cardboard!
De Ossorio was disgusted when he saw how little money and effort went into
realizing that key climactic scene, remarking that it showed how little the
producers cared about the quality level of their movies.
De Ossorio also made other genre films including three
Euro-westerns: “Tomb of the Pistolero” (1964), “Rebels in Canada” (1965) and
“Patience Has a Limit, We Don’t” (1974).
Amando died on January 13, 2001 in Madrid, Spain.
Today we remember Amando De Ossorio on what would have
been his 95th birthday.
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