Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bluehawk (TV)

Blauvogel - German title
Bluehawk - English title

A 1994 German, Canadian TV co-production [Telefilm Saar GmbH (Berlin)]
Producers: Joachim Schöneberger, Norbert Walter
Director: Jeff Authors (Jeffrey Authors)
Story: Anna Jürgen (Anna Muller-Tamnewitz)         
Screenplay: Christos Yiannopoulos, James E. Motluk
Cinematography: Michael Faust, Konrad Kotowsky [color]
Music: Manfred Schoof
Running time: 23 minutes x 13 episodes

Michael Ruster/Bluehawk at 16 - Shawn Mathieson
Michael Ruster/Bluehawk at12 - John White
Malia at 16 - Tamara Podemski
Malia at 12 - Sarah Podemski
Little Bear - Denis Lacroix
Oshkigan - Carol Greyeyes
Uncle Silas Rustic - Jochen Senf
Silver Fox at 17 - Leroy Peltier
Silver Fox at 13 - Cheyenne Kitchikake
Greyhorn - Michael Lawrenchuk (Charles Lawrenchuk)
Tobias Ruster - John Wilman
Tobias Ruster at 16 - Alexander Jay
Henry Ruster at 15 - Patrick Gillen
Henry Ruster at 11 - David Roemmele
Ellis - Stephen Russell
Captain Savard - Don Francks
Priest - Colin Fox

This was a single season German, Canadian TV series. The story had already been filmed by DEFA under the same title in 1979.

This 13-part television series takes place in 1759 in the present territory of Canada.  During an attack on a village Michael, the ten year old son of a settler, is kidnapped by Indians.  He gets to know the lives of these strangers to him, their culture, their myths and their close relationship to nature.  He will, over time, not without internal and external conflicts, even becoming like the Indians.  However, the boy fluctuates long between the white and the Indian world.  In many adventures he gets caught in the crossfire of those who fight for the "new" country.  When, after a long time he has the opportunity to return to the white world, he opts for the Indian way of life as the more humane life for him.


  1. Biltmore: I don't think this ever played Canada, in English or French.

  2. YouTube trailer: from "Blauvogel" (Blue Hawk) movie 1979.

  3. Blauvogel (1994) 13-teilige Serie (German)

  4. Blauvogel tv series trailer

  5. Thanks! I'll give it a watch.
