Saturday, October 2, 2010

RIP Oscar Avogadro

Oscar Avogadro died at his home in Milan, Italy September 30, 2010. A lyricist, screenwriter and actor, Oscar was born on August 9, 1951 in Turin, Italy and produced and co-wrote some big Italian hit records such as “E la luna bussò" sung by Loredana Berté (co written with Mario Lavezzi and Daniel Pace), “Lo no” by Anna Nalick (co written with Mario Lavezzi) and "Il cuore delle donne" and "Margherita non lo sa" by Dori Ghezzi. In the late '70s he found success with “The Ghetto”, a song he wrote with Alberto Radius. He also wrote the children's song "Il coccodrillo come fa". Avogadro was a screenwriter on the 1997 Italian TV series “Coco Bill” featuring the western cartoon character. Oscar leaves his wife Laura and two children Gabriel and Francis.


  1. Our family met the family Avogadro about 20 years ago on our holiday at Ile d'Ree in France.
    We became friends and still are.
    It's a great loss.
    Fam.Oppenhuizen, Holland.

  2. Condolences to you and your family Dick.
