Tuesday, June 15, 2010

RIP Bekim Fehmiu

World-renowned actor, Bekim Fehmiu, committed suicide at his residence in Zvezdara, on the outskirts of Belgrade today June 15, 2010. His motives are unknown at this time.

Interior Minister Ivica Dacic, has said he believed that Fehmiu committed suicide because the bullet came from a gun registered in his name.

Bekim Fehmiu was 74-year-old and is recognized as one of the most popular actors in the former Yugoslavia. He was born on June 1, 1936 in Sarajevo and attended the Faculty of Dramatic Works from 1956 until 1960.

Among his most famous films was 1969's “The Adventurers” starring Charles Aznavour and Candice Bergen, “The Executioner” (1975), “Salon Kitty” (1976) and his only Euro-western “The Deserter” (1971) directed by Burt Kennedy and also starring John Huston and Richard Crenna. He worked extensively in Italy with Dino De Laurentis.

He was married to actress Branka Petric and had two sons Hedon and Uliks, who is also an actor.

Fehmiu published his autobiography in 2001 which he had written in 1985 entitled 'Blistavo i strašno' ("Brilliant and Terrifying")


  1. Bekim Fehmiu was an Albanian from Kosovo!


  2. Bekim is great Serbian actor RIP

  3. I madhi Bekim Fehmiu, ishte dhe mbeti nder o kombit shqipetar, Lavdi

  4. Lavdi i qofte jeta te Madhit Bekim!

  5. For those not knowing, Bekim Fehmiu was Albanian.
    May he be in peace forever!

  6. Bekim Fehmiu je idol moje generacije,
    balkanski Marlon Brando.On je i Srbin i Shiptar,
    i Slaven i Ilir.U njegovim venama je tekla nasa balkanska krv.To je bio ideal svakog balkanskog glumca,ali je njegova harizma bila za mnoge nedostizna,jer Bekim je samo jedan.

  7. yesss was, is and will be an albanian actor R.I.S

  8. Bekim was an interesting and important person, a human being with albanian origin.

  9. bekim would despise people arguing about his origins like this. this hatered was the reason he stopped acting in the late eighties. he was an albanian, born in sarajevo (bosnia), and educated and spent his entire life in belgrade. fantastic and gorgeous man. nek mu je laka zemlja.

  10. Bravo anonymus!Maybe it is that time that when we lose these ikones such is the Great Bekim Fehmiu we realise how close we are slav&illyrian or serb&albanian in almost every direction and he gave something to that connection his love, marriage and life with Branka Petric.He disliked bad politics bud he loved his Beograde,Prizren,Peja or Shkoder.
    Sincere condolences to the family Branka,Hedon,Uliks.
    Hope better days for our beloved Balkan!

  11. No, Bekim is NOT Albanian from KOSOVO ! He is an Albanian from Bosnia , because he was born in Sarajevo ,and from there he come to Belgrade to study at University. He maried Serbian actros and spent the rest of his life in Belgrade, so , he is an Albanian FROM SARAJEVO AND BELGRADE , not FROM KOSOVO...

  12. bekims family is from kosovo he was only born in sarajevo so what, he never lived there ,,i am born in novi sad but i live in prizren since i was 1 year old ,,didnt you serbs steal enough historic figures from poeples around you, dont you people get sick of your way of dealing with things like this,bekim was albanian and his sons are to whether they like at or not.

  13. Mendjet dogmatike e kanë të vështirë t'i përthekojnë përmasat e fenomenit B. Fehmiu. Nuk mund ta kuptojnë që kombi lartësohet e nderohet, por edhe trimërohet e motivohet edhe në mënyra të tjera përveç atyre mënyrave që ua thotë mendja e tyre dogmate, prandaj figurën e Bekimit orvaten ta vendosin në skemat e tyre mendore, e të cilat nuk e zënë atë madhështi, prandaj, sipas mendjes së tyre, ai nuk e përmbushka kriterin për t'u nderuar me një minutë heshtje në kuvendin e vockël të kosovës. Bekimi ka pasë shpërthime instiktive të motivuara politikisht, porse me politikë praktike nuk është fërkuar kurrë. Ai zgjodhi që me artin e tij ta lartësojë kombin e tij, me kujtimet e tij t'i dëshmojë hjekat dhe vuajtjet e kombit të tij nën shka, dhe zgjodhi që, pas vdekjes dramatike, me hirin e tij të derdhur në Lumbardh, t'ua mësojë të gjithëve, miq e armiq, gjeografinë shqiptare. I përjetshëm do të jetë kujtimi për këtë shqiptar të madh.

  14. Se Bekim Femiu ka qene aktor i madh nuk do koment,ashtu qe nuk do koment se Bekim Femiu e ka vetem emrin shqiptare .
    Por Bekim Femiu ka qene aktor i madh Serb.
    Nuk mund te thuhet kurr qe Bekim Femiu ka qene shqiptar kur nuk ka fol asnje fjale shqip ne skene apo film.
    Aktori qe refuzoi te luante shqip ne Kosove bile as edhe nje dram te vetme.
    Bekim Femiu ka qene dhe mbetur aktor serb e jugosllave .
    Dhe te prajni me me ato llafe se na urperoi edhe per se vdekuri kur doli se ska folur asnje fjale shqipe.
    Cfare aktori shqiptare more.
    Dhe vetvrasja nuk eshte veti e shqiptareve .Enigma e vetvrasjes duhet gjetur tek rrenjet e marteses!
    Keshtu u vetvra edhe Rrahman Morina ,bagjanaku i Bekimit si dhe shume te vetquajtur shqiptare te martuara me serbe.
    Bekim na turperove kur jetove dhe na turperove kur vdiqe.
    Tu harrofte emri .

  15. Bekim Fehmiu R.I.P
    Ti qe ke shkruar me June 21, 6.31, tek qenke nje katasrtofe e vertete. Kur flet per Bekimin duhet te shfletosh, te lexosh te shikosh dh ete besh nje analize e do tete duhet shumne kohe dh epastaj te vish ne kete perfundim, e ai do jete tjeter po e bere keshtu.
    Gruaja e tij ishte nga Kroacia bija e nje Kroati.
    bekim Fehmiu ishte actor me renome nderkombtare, e ne Jugoslavine e atehershme luajti filma qe do i luanin t e gjithe. Edhe aktoret tjere u shkolluan ne Beograd ate kohe, nuk kishte ne Prishtine, fatkeqsisht edhe sot eshte ne nivelin me te ulet.
    Bekim nuk do kete edhe shume vjet nga shqiptaret. Sa per partiot duhet te jesh dicka extra qe te flasish per Bekimin, Lexo pak per Ibrahim Fehmiun babain e tij, shiqo me kujdes jeten e Bekimit dhe veprat e tij, do bindesh more i mjere, njerzit si ti duhet te humbin nga shqioptaria dhe te avullohen se e felliqin token o katuindar o rrjepc, o mut, o lope e gjalle, me njerz si ti me tru te papagallit nuk na duhen as wc ti pastrojne, lopo, cuksh. hup e ne fund ta qifsha qate nene shqiptyare qe te ka pjelle he fare e flliqte.

  16. Bekim Fehmiu eshte nje kaliber dhe rang i veqante. Ai eshte nje shembelltyr dhe nje figur qe qon larte dhe e vlerson kombin ne nivel te larte qofte edhe nese kurr ai nuk ka folur ne gjuhen shqipe dhe luajtur film shqip.
    Njerzit mund te lujne film shqip patriotik dhe te pretendohen se jane patriot me te mdhanje por ne realitet nujan hiq gje. Si Bekim Fehmiu veshtire qe e ben Nena.

  17. Yes , he is ALBANIAN definitely , nobody state oposite, but HE IS NOT FROM KOSOVO , you idiots ...



  19. He is from Prizren, Kosovo. His name is kosovar/albanian and so are his parents.

  20. artisti ma i madhe i te gjithe shqiptaris me permasa botrore

  21. perse flisni tani pas vdekjes se tij

  22. Bekim Femiu ishte shum i madh, athu do ti afrohet ndonji artist shqiptar ndonjiher Bekimit bile 10 qind me suksese,dhe me patriotizem, me te gjitha qka ka ni patriot shqiptar. ky gilipter si shkruan keq per Bekimin duhet var, apo na tregon ku te gjojm o zog shkau, se vie ta them un sa patriot te paskem na ty, he ty, pi din qka

  23. When you read some of these comments, it becomes clear why Fehmiu committed suicide. His audience just doesn't get it. He was one of the greatest though...

  24. We all lost Bekim Fehmiu because we disapointed him. Hatred and greed blinded us all, and art lost its meaning. He was so humble and great that as a sign of protest he gave up his career (that made him famous). You have to be so selfless and noble to do such a gesture. Ask any of our politicians and bussinesmen if they would do that just for a day, and you'll understand why Bekim acted the way he did. He was a man of principles and high morals. He was a great human being. He choose for a reason to be cremated (not be buried) and his ashes to be thrown in Lumbardh, in Kosovo.

  25. Yo recuerdo su pelicula, al lado de Ernest Borneign "EL MUNDO DE LOS AVENTUREROS" en mi pais Guatemala y me di cuenta que era un gran actor. Siento mucho su muerte.
    atte Ricardo
