Sunday, May 12, 2024

Tribute to Enrique Cerezo

Hoyo de Manzanares has held an event to pay tribute to Enrique Cerezo for his work in the Spanish audiovisual scene

La Voz de la Sierra

May 10, 2024

Hoyo de Manzanares has held an event to pay tribute to the figure of Enrique Cerezo for his great work in defending the rights of the producer through EGEDA, the conservation and restoration of Spanish and international film heritage in Video, Mercury Films, the promotion of new audiovisual projects through the production company Enrique Cerezo P.C. or the dissemination of an extensive catalog accessible through the video on demand platform Flixolé.

Thus, the tribute has been held at the Las Cigüeñas Municipal Theater, a place attended by numerous personalities from the cinematographic and institutional world. All of them were welcomed by the mayor of Hoyo de Manzanares, Victoria Barderas, who did not hesitate to say a few words of thanks to the producer, stressing that "from this humble municipality we pay tribute to you for your personal career, as a businessman, but, above all, as a lover of cinema and for your firm commitment to and for the recovery of audiovisual heritage in Spain and, Especially, to preserve the memory of the Eurowestern. Today, you contribute to reviving Golden City, to reviving the illusion of the people of Hoy, whose faces light up when they speak with nostalgia of what Golden City meant in Hoyo de Manzanares."

Next, the film and theatre director Víctor Matellano, has conducted an interview with the protagonist of the event which has been called Knowing Cerezo. It has taken us on a journey through Enrique's life, highlighting his role in the audiovisual industry, his links with the northwestern mountains of Madrid and his restoration work in the more than nine thousand titles he owns.

Thus, once the interview was over, the trailer of the documentary feature film “The Magnificent Stranger” by directors Miguel Ángel Guerra & Iván Karras, produced by EMB Documental, a work of which Enrique Cerezo has also been a part, contributing to its cinematographic heritage, has been viewed. Right after and as a final touch to the event, we went to the exact location where the protagonist made his first works in the audiovisual world.

For his part, Mariano de Paco, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Community of Madrid, wanted to highlight that Enrique is "a fundamental figure in our heritage progress thanks to the legacy he leaves us not only at a regional or national level, but also internationally" since "what he does is what he loves, which is cinema and it's sport." Along with this statement, Ignasi Camós, Director General of the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA), also joined in, who wanted to highlight the initiative of the City Council of the municipality and Cerezo to restore Spanish cinema.

For all these reasons, on the occasion of this tribute, the Hoyo de Manzanares City Council, in collaboration with the HoyoCine Association, has organized a large number of activities for the month of May. They will kick off this weekend (May 11 and 12) with a historical re-enactment of life in the Far West, belonging to Revive Golden City. On May 18 and 25, there will be a screening of the film “A Fistful of Dollars” at the exact location of its filming on May 18, the Country Music Festival on May 25, and a choral concert of Film Music offered by the Coral Divertimento on May 31. All this is accompanied by a wide range of tapas and dishes to be tasted in 11 establishments in the town.

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