Saturday, May 11, 2024

New Italian film release “Oltre il confine”


Oltre il confine – Italian title

Beyond the Border – English title


A 2023 Italian film production [Oldtype Productions ( )]

Producer: Valerio Rota Vega, Emiliano Ferrera, Giorgio Filonzi , Toni Garrani Andrea

     Leone, Stefano Jacurti

Director: Emiliano Ferrera

Story: Emiliano Ferrera

Screenplay: Emiliano Ferrera

Cinematography: [color]

Music: Klaus Veri, Alessandro Giordano

Running time:


Sheriff Bat Mallory – Stefano Jacurti

Jim Levy -

Giulia Morgani, Yassmin Pucci, Nora Luiis, Luce Cardinale, Emiliano Ferrera, Valerio Rota Vega, Giorgio Filonzi, Mauro Del Vecchio, Philipp Boa

The story is unknown at this time.

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