Friday, May 31, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ The Bucio Brothers

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

The Bucio brothers are two of the most well-known Mexican stunt coordinators and stuntmen.

Julián’s full name is Julián Carlos Bucio Montemayor and was born in Mexico City in 1962. He founded the Stunts POV team in 1991 of which his younger brother Balo is a member. Balo was born in Mexico City as Wilebaldo Bucio Montemayor in 1970. Besides being a stuntman and coordinator Balo is a director, cameraman, film and TV actor. His daughter is a stuntwoman and the parkour world champion Ella Bucio (Ella Bucio Dovali) [1997- ].

Julián is also a horse master, TV and film actor and the father of stuntmen, Benny Bucio (Bernardo Bucio) [1991- ], Tony Bucio, Jerónimo Bucio (Jeronimo Bucio Fernandez) who are all POV members.

Both brothers performed stunts in several Spaghetti westerns such as “Ravenous” in 1999, “Blueberry l’experience secrete” (Renegade) and “Bandidas” (2004). Julián also appeared in “Bandits” in 1990.


BUCIO, Balo (aka Vilebaldo Buccio) (Wilebaldo Bucio Montemayor) [1970, Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico] – director, stunt coordinator, stuntman, cameraman, film, TV actor, brother of stunt coordinator, horse master, stuntman, actor Julián Bucio (Julián Carlos Bucio Montemayor) [1962-    ], married to ?, father of stuntwoman, parkour world champion Ella Bucio (Ella Bucio Dovali) [1997-    ], uncle of stuntmen, Benny Bucio (Bernardo Bucio) [1991-    ], Tony Bucio, Jerónimo Bucio (Jeronimo Bucio Fernandez).

Ravenous – 1999 [stunts as Vilebaldo Buccio]

Bandidas – 2004 [stunts as Wilebaldo Bucio]

Renegade – 2004 [stunts]


BUCIO, Julián (aka Julian Busio) (Julián Carlos Bucio Montemayor) [1962, Mexico City, Federal District, Mexico -     ] – stunt coordinator, horse master, stuntman, film, TV actor, brother of stuntman Balo Bucio, married to ? father of graphic designer José Miguel, stuntmen Benny Bucio (Bernardo Bucio) [1991-    ], Tony Bucio, Jerónimo Bucio, uncle of stuntwoman, parkour world champion Ella Bucio (Ella Bucio Dovali) [1997-    ], founded Stunts POV [1983].

Bandits – 1990 [stunt coordinator]

Ravenous – 1999 [stunts as Villebaldo Bucio]

Bandidas – 2004 [stunt coordinator]

Renegade – 2004 [stunt coordinator]

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