Saturday, May 25, 2024

Spaghetti Western Locations for “Face to Face”

We continue our search for locations for “Face to Face”. Brad goes over the plan to knock over the bank in Willow Creek and the camera already shows the plan in progress. Beau is in town dressed as a Mexican. They plan on setting a fire in a hay wagon to distract the townsfolk after the gang robs the bank. Siringo slips a note to a townswoman marked for the sheriff, but she drops the note while blowing her nose. Brad and Marta arrive in a buggy dressed as high brows and go into the bank. The gang already positioned in town move in toward the bank. Bank director Mr. Carr wants to show off his vault to the new depositors and opens the safe. Brad pulls his gun while the other Raiders move in and cover the patrons then tie them up while Jason and Marta load the money into a bag.

Meantime outside a young boy finds the Siringo note and begins to read it aloud in front of Beau. The boy finishes reading the note and knows the Mexican he’s been talking to is Beauregard Bennett. He runs yelling for the sheriff but is shot down by Harold, one of the gang. Beau picks up Paco off the street and carries him to safety but it’s too late. Siringo appears and knocks out Beau with his pistol. Siringo then shoots Jason who falls from his horse dropping the money bag. Brad pretends to be shot and falls on the bag. As Marta rides up with an extra horse Brad springs up and they ride out of town. Harold is shot by Siringo but manages to ride away leaving only Maximilian who faces Siringo only to be shot dead.

This scene was filmed in Elios Studio in Rome.

For a more detailed view of this site and other Spaghetti Western locations please visit my friend Yoshi Yasuda’s location site:   and Captain Douglas Film Locations

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