Tuesday, May 28, 2024

RIP Gisela Büttner


German theater, film, radio, television and voice actress died in Berlin, Germany on May 1, 2024. She was 82. Born in Bytom, Poland she was was an actress at the Theater der Freundschaft in Berlin from 1958 to the summer of 1961, before moving to the Volksbühne Berlin, where she remained until 1967. In addition to her theater activities, she starred in several feature and television films, including the title role of the DEFA production “Hatifa” in 1960. During her dubbing career, she not only acted as a narrator, but also directed the dialogue in many films. Gisela was the voice of Andrea Drahota in 1967’s East German “Chingachgook, the Great Snake” and Pepa Niolova in 1971’s “Osceola”.

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