Monday, May 13, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Celia Brummell

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Cecellia ‘Celia’ Kapp was born in South Africa in 1943. She was a model, author, singer, songwriter and actress. She was married to singer, director, writer actor Beau Brummel (Michael Bush) [1942-2020]. The couple were married from1967 until Beau’s death in 2020. The couple were also nudists and ran a nudist colony resort in South Africa called Beau Valley where he produced many naturist films which featured Celia and their two children Nevada and Cheyanne. Cheyanne later became a writer.

Celia appeared in only one Euro-western along with her husband in 1970’s “3 Bullets… for a Long Gun”.

BRUMMELL, Celia (Cecilia Kapp) [1943, South Africa -     ] – model, film actress, married to author, writer, songwriter, actress, singer Beau Brummell (Michael F. Bush) [1942-2020] (1967-2020), mother of model, actress, author Cheyanne M. Bush, Nevada Bush.

3 Bullets… for a Long Gun – 1970

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