Monday, February 5, 2024

European Western Comics – Buffalo Bill


Buffalo Bill

This series is a reprint of Buffalo Bill from the Avventure American series Edizione La Freccia in 1960, with drawings by Max Liorn (Massimo Liorni) and other English series productions such as Wyatt Earp and Arizona Kid. Covers were by E. Car (Enzo Carretti). The series was published in 1962 with Issue #1 released on January 2, 1961, and ending with issue #10 on May 10, 1962. It was published by ENG in Rome, Italy. Each issue contained 32 black and white pages with color covers.


01 (01.02.62) - "L'assalto" (The Assault)

02 (00.00.62) - "Il sentiero della vendetta”, “L’agguato” (The Path of Revenge, The Ambush)

03 (00.00.62) - "Duello mortale" (Deadly Duel)

04 (00.00.62) - "Pistole roventi” (Hot Guns)

05 (00.00.62) - "Ferrovia in fiamme” (Railway in Flames)

06 (00.00.62) - "Il giustiziere” (The Executioner)

07 (00.00.62) - "Lotta spietata” (Merciless Fight)

08 (10.04.62) - "I razziatori" (The Raiders)

09 (00.00.62) - "Morte nel Canyon Brado” (Death in Brado Canyon)

10 (10.05.62) - "El Guercio” (El Guercio)

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