Monday, June 3, 2019

European Western Comic Books ~ Kid Colorado

Series XII: Kid Colorado The twelfth and final series consists entirely of reprints of various characters. It debuted with JIMMY AND JOHNNY (JJ), originally published on the PICCOLE STORIE series, followed by OKEY JIM (OK) from BELLE AVVENTURE, FRISCO JIM (FJ), IL FALCO DEL TEXAS (FT), the entire series of PICCOLO RE (PR ), also the roll of honor remounted in eleven small volumes with double numbering (own and of series). Reprints of two episodes of RED BRANDON (RB) and JOE COLT (JC) conclude the series. The issues, generally 288 pgs, varied depending on how many episodes are grouped in each small volume. Announced, but never published, n. 37 "Rocket Bill, the hero of the West".

Serie XII Kid Colorado
01 [00] (01.11.53) - “La palude della morte” (JJ 1/9) (The Swamp of Death)
02 [00] (01.12.53) - “Una grande avventura” (JJ 10/18) (The Great Adventure)
03 [00] (01.01.54) - “Sangue sul fiume” (JJ 19/27) (Blood on the River)
04 [00] (01.02.54) - “Le frecce ardenti” (JJ 28/36) (The Burning Arrows)
05 [00] (01.03.54) - “Una trappola diabolica” (JJ 37/45) (A Diabolical Trap)
06 [00] (01.04.54) - “Il corral nero” (RE 1/9) (The Black Corral)
07 [00] (01.05.54) - “Lotta a morte” (OJ 1/10) (Fight to the Death)
08 [00] (01.06.54) - “Sulle rive del Rio Grande” (OJ 11/20) (On the Banks of the Rio Grande)
09 [00] (01.07.54) - “Vendetta e perdono” (OJ 21/30) (Revenge and Forgiveness)
10 [00] (01.08.54) - “Pistole fiammeggianti” (OJ 31/39) (Flaming Pistols)
11 [00] (01.09.54) - “Pallottole e frecce” (OJ 40/48) (Bullets and Arrows)
12 [00] (01.10.54) - “Piste maledette” (HJ 1/9) (Cursed Tracks)
13 [00] (01.11.54) - “West senza pace” (HJ 10/18) (The West Without Peace)
14 [00] (01.12.54) - “Aquila Rossa” (HJ 19/27) (Red Eagle)
15 [00] (01.01.55) - “Praterie senza pace” (SP 1/9) (Prairie Without Peace)
16 [00] (01.02.55) - “Pista di sangue (FJ 1/9) (Bloody Tracks)
17 [00] (01.03.55) - “Il tesoro del Sakem” (FJ 10/18) (The Treasure of the Sakem)
18 [00] (01.04.55) - “Terre bruciate” (FJ 19/27) (Burnt Lands)
19 [00] (01.05.55) - “Doppio gioco” (FT nn. 1/9) (Double Game)
20 [00] (01.06.55) - “Cavalieri della morte” (FT nn. 10/18) (Knights of Death)
21 [00] (01.07.55) - “La luna azzurra” (CK nn. 1/9) (The Blue Moon)
22 [01] (01.08.55) - “Piccolo re” (PR) (Little King)
23 [02] (01.09.55) - “Sperduti nel deserto” (PR) (Lost in the Desert)
24 [03] (01.10.55) - “L’usurpatore” (PR) (The Usurper)
25 [04] (01.11.55) - “La gola nera” (PR) (The Black Throat)
26 [05] (01.12.55) - “La spia” (PR 25/30) (The Spy)
27 [06] (01.01.56) - “Fucilazione all’alba” (PR) (Dawn Shooting)
28 [07] (01.02.56) - “A ferro e fuoco” (PR) (Iron and Fire)
29 [08] (01.03.56) - “La regina rapita” (PR) (The Abducted Queen)
30 [09] (01.04.56) - “Ritorno al trono” (PR) (Return to the Throne)
31 [10] (01.05.56) - “Nebbia sul golfo” (PR) (Mist on the Gulf)
32 [11] (01.06.56) - “Giungla in fiamme” (PR) (Jungle in Flames)
33 [00] (01.07.56) - “Il Dominatore del West” (DW) (The Dominator of the West)
34 [00] (01.08.56) - “Indiani in agguato” (JC nn. 1/3) (Indians in Ambush)
35 [00] (01.09.56) - “I disperati” (JC nn. 4/6) (The Desperate)
36 [00] (01.10.56) - “La regina dei Tapanhunas” (RB) (The Queen of the Tapanhunas)

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