Born on May 7,1939 in Potenza, Italy, Ruggero Deodato started his film career as an actor in the mid-1950s. In 1959 he became an assistant director under Roberto Rosselini through his childhood friendship with Rosselini’s son Renzo. Deodato would go on to work with other great Italian directors such as Sergio Corbucci, Antonio Margheriti and Riccardo Freda. Deodato directed his first film “Donne… botte e bersaglieri” in 1968. Deodato experimented by making films in several genres including the Spaghetti westerns with “In the Name of the Father” (1969). Finally he hit his high point with 1980’s “Cannibal Holocaust” but has not reached the same success since. He continues to make genre films and episodic television. Today we wish him a happy 70th birthday.
Here is a man who should have at least a Battle Royale or an Embodiment of Evil in him, if he gets the chance. Happy birthday, indeed.