Sunday, September 1, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Enrico Canestrini

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Enrico Canestrini was born in Edolo (Brescia) on December 19, 1916, with the baptismal name of Giuseppe Guerino. After living the first years in the Canestrini house, located in Via della Chiesa, since the death of his father he had lived with his mother in Mù. On the death of his mother in 1945, he inherited the house in Via Santi Ippolito e Cassiano, to which he returned on a few occasions, but stayed there for very short periods. Even after the sale of the property, he will usually return to Edolo for short stays. He died in Rome on 23 September 1973. He started his business as a wine merchant and around the 1950s he moved first to Arcevia (Ancona) and later to Rome where, in the meantime, he had the opportunity to embark on a career as an actor under the name of Enrico.

His first film appearance dates to 1955, when he played a small part in the film " Don Camillo e l'on. Peppone", but it was in 1961 that he began his career as an actor with small parts in some films and television dramas. In total, Enrico Canestrinwill take part in 13 films, 6 of which for TV, and 18 television series.

Enrico died in Rome on September 22, 1973, at the age of 57.

Canestrini appeared in three Spaghetti westerns: “Nato per uccidere” (Born to Kill) in an uncredited role and “Il momento di uccidere” (The Moment to Kill) both in 1967 as a waiter

“Hai sbagliato... dovevi uccidermi subito!” (Kill the Poker Player) in 1972 as Bob the barber.

CANESTRINI, Enrico (Giuseppe Guerino) [12/19/1916, Edolo, Brescia, Italy – 9/22/1973, Rome, Lazio, Italy] – film, TV, voice actor.

Born to Kill – 1967

The Moment to Kill – 1967 (waiter)

Kill the Poker Player – 1972 (Bob the barber)

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