Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Mario Capuccio

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Mario Cappuccio is/was an Italian character actor. He appeared in only four films between 1967 and 1986 and one TV series appearance. Three of those films were Spaghetti westerns: “...e vennero in quattro per uccidere Sartana!” (They Came to Kill Sartana) 1969 (fight promoter), “Inginocchiati straniero… i cadaveri non fanno ombra!” (Dead Men Don’t Make Shadows) 1970, “Arrivano Django e Sartana… è la fine” (Django and Sartana are Coming… It’s the End) 1970.

Other than that I can find no biographical information on him.

CAPUCCIO, Mario (aka Mario Cappuccio) [Italian] – film, TV actor.

They Came to Kill Sartana – 1969 (fight promoter)

Dead Men Don’t Make Shadows – 1970

Django and Sartana are Coming… It’s the End – 1970

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