Saturday, September 28, 2024

Spaghetti Western Locations for “The Forgotten Pistolero”

We continue our search for locations for “The Forgotten Pistolero”. After the scene at the grave Sebastian and Rafael return to the cabin. Sebastian treats the wounded wrist of Rafael. He pours hot water on the wound while Rafael bites down on a piece of leather. He wraps the wrist in a clean cloth. Rafael asks about Sebastian’s spread and he’s told he’s been living there for about 12 years. Rafael thanks him and calls him Sebastian. He’s asked how he knows his name? Rafael says he once knew a man with that name, and he’ll tell the story tomorrow. The two say goodnight and go to bed.

Leonard Mann said most of the interiors were shot in Rome.

For a more detailed view of this site and other Spaghetti Western locations please visit my friend Yoshi Yasuda’s location site: and Captain Douglas Film Locations

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