Friday, September 27, 2024

50th Anniversary of the premier of “Patience Has a Limit, We Don’t!”


Today marks the 50th anniversary of the premier of “Patience Has a Limt, We Don’t!” It was directed by Franco Ciferri using the alias of Frank Farrow. The film starred Sal Borgese and Peter Martell. It tells the story of Corporal McDonald, an Irish soldier and member of the 7th Cavalry who is stationed in the American West. One day he steals and hides a military chest, containing a huge treasure. After diligently marking the place where he has hidden it, he dies leaving two sons Bill (Peter Martell) and Duke (Sal Borgese) each 50% of the precious map with his wife Isabel (Rita di Lernia) at a farmhouse in a desolate area of Texas. Twenty years after the crime, Lieutenant Pollock (Ray Nolan), among other things is the rejected lover of the widow, continues to investigate the whereabouts of the treasure and convinces the heirs, to search for the chest. They are pursued by swindlers, but after many adventures they find the chest. Outsmarting the robbers, they decide to give the treasure back to the regiment. Then a random explosion reveals the presence of abundant oil in the basement of their farmhouse, and they are consoled with a lavish income. One of the bottom of the barrel Spaghetti westerns it was also one of the last and helped seal the fate of the genre.


La pazienza ha un limite… noi no! – Italian title

¡Caray, qué palizas! – Spanish title

Kombinadoroi tou Texas – Greek title

Bill and Duke – English title

Patience has a Limit, We Don’t – English title


A 1974 Italian, Spanish film co-production [Pantherfilms (Rome), Ancia Century Films,

     Pérez Pareja, M. Flor (Madrid)]

Producers: Francesco Campitelli, Armando Morandi

Director: Frank Farrow (Franco Ciferri)

Story: Fabio Carboni, Armando Morandi

Screenplay: Fabio Carboni, Armando Morandi, Amando De Ossorio (Amando


Cinematography: Miguel Fernández Mila [Techincolor, Techniscope]

Music: Leonerbert (Franco Bixio, Fabio Frizzi, Vincenzo Tempera)

     Songs: “The Ballad of Bill and Duke”, “The March of the Scared” sung by Ed Tapton

                 (Eo Tapton)

Running time: 96 minutes



Duke/Doug ‘Pistolero’ McDonald – Sal Borgese (Salvatore Borgese)

Bill ‘Pupo’ McDonald – Peter Martell (Pierto Matrellanza)

Isabel McDonald – Rita di Lernia (Maria de Lernia)

Joe – Luis Barboo

Rosie – Marisa Medina (Maria Medina)

Mancha Negra/Black Spot – Pepe Ruiz (José Ruiz)

Lieutenant Edmund Pollock – Ray Nolan (Ramón Lillo)

Bank customer - Luciano De Ritas

Sheriff - Bruno Boschetti

Wagon driver soldier - Paco Nieto (Francisco Nieto)

Rosie's escort – Venancio Muro

Town rowdy - José Luis Chinchilla

Poker players - Javier de Rivera (Javier Corsini), Zalde (José Lizalde), Antonio Orengo

Barber - Fulvio Pelegrino

Horse seller - Armando Morandi

Man leading horse - Leon Klimovsky

With: Carla Mancini, Manuel Zarzo, Luigi Antonio Guerra, Peter Jacob (Pietro Ceccarelli), Viki Hernandez

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