Monday, September 16, 2024

European Western Comic Books – Lancia Billy Rock


Billy Rock

This comic book featured the explorer-adventurer Billy Rock, vaguely resembling Rock Hudson, grappling with the secret sect of the Golden Spider (a tribute to Gim Toro’s Hong del Dragone). Scripts were written by Renzo Barbieri; with drawings by Sandro Angiolini.

The comic book series was published by Casa Editrice Dardo in Milan by editor Franco Baglioni. Each issue contained 32 black & white pages with color covers and was released from July 5, 1959, to May 29, 1960.


01 (05.07.59) - “Il ragno d’oro” (The Golden Spider)

02 (12.07.59) - “La fossa degli iguana” (The Iguana Pit)

03 (19.07.59) - “La città ignota” (The Unknown City)

04 (26.07.59) - “Fuga perigliosa” (Perilous Escape)

05 (02.08.59) - “La liberazione di Diana” (Diana’s Liberation)

06 (09.08.59) - “Il ragno al contrattacco” (The Spider Strikes Back)

07 (16.08.59) - “Scampato pericolo” (Danger Escaped)

08 (23.08.59) - “Battaglia alla fattoria” (Battle at the Farm)

09 (30.08.59) - “La caverna che canta” (The Singing Cave)

10 (06.09.59) - “Il vortice del terrore” (The Vortex of Terror)

11 (13.09.59) - “Il diavolo bianco” (The White Devil)

12 (20.09.59) - “Gli uomini pesce” (The Fishmen)

13 (27.09.59) - “Lo stregone della valle morta” (The Witch Doctor of the Dead Valley)

14 (04.10.59) - “Il rapimento di Billy Rock” (The Kidnapping of Billy Rock)

15 (11.10.59) - “L’inseguimento nel canyon” (The Chase in the Canyon)

16 (18.10.59) - “Verso l’ignoto” (Into the Unknown)

17 (25.10.59) - “Agguato nel deserto” (Desert Ambush)

18 (01.11.59) - “La battaglia di Comanche City” (The Battle of Comanche City)

19 (08.11.59) - “Il Teocall misterioso” (The Mysterious Teocall)

20 (15.11.59) - “La capitale segreta” (The Secret Capital)

21 (22.11.59) - “Braccati” (Huntdown)

22 (29.11.59) - “L’inafferrabile Nino” (The Elusive Nino)

23 (06.12.59) - “Nei meandri del tempio” (In the Depths of the Temple)

24 (13.12.59) - “Il Dio Sole vivente” (The Living Sun God)

25 (20.12.59) - “Il tradimento di colui che sa” (The Betrayal of the One Who Knows)

26 (27.12.59) - “L’infame tortura” (The Infamous Torture)

27 (03.01.60) - “Il Nino alla riscossa” (The Nino to the Rescue)

28 (10.01.60) - “La riscossa del Nino” (The Rescue of the Nino)

29 (17.01.60) - “La piovra vegetale” (The Vegetable Octopus)

30 (24.01.60) - “Guatimozin il solitario” (Guatimozin the Solitary)

31 (31.01.60) - “Attimi disperati” (Desperate Moments)

32 (02.02.60) - “Il fiume sotterraneo” (The Underground River)

33 (14.02.60) - “Il genietto dell’Arroyo Nigro” (The Genius of the Arroyo Nigro)

34 (21.02.60) - “Assalto al treno” (The Train Robbery)

35 (28.02.60) - “Tafferuglio nel saloon” (The Saloon Brawl)

36 (06.03.60) - “Guatimozin alla riscossa” (Guatimozin to the Rescue)

37 (13.03.60) - “La botola misteriosa” (The Mysterious Trap Door)

38 (20.03.60) - “Il bisonte bianco” (The White Bison)

39 (27.03.60) - “L’assalto al tempio” (The Temple Assault)

40 (03.04.60) - “Lotta drammatica” (Dramatic Fight)

41 (10.04.60) - “La morte di Guatimozin” (The Death of Guatimozin)

42 (17.04.60) - “Agguato nella foresta” (Ambush in the Forest)

43 (24.04.60) - “Il resuscitato” (The Resurrected)

44 (01.05.60) - “L’anello del potere” (The Ring of Powe)

45 (08.05.60) - “La tomba di cemento” (The Concrete Tomb)

46 (15.05.60) - “Notte tra i pueblos” (Night Among the Pueblos)

47 (22.05.60) - “Segnali di fumo” (Smoke Signals)

48 (29.05.60) - “Il picco dell’avvoltoio” (The Vulture’s Peak)

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