Thursday, September 12, 2024

“A Vampire’s Tale”


Umbrage – British title

A Vampire’s Tale – International title


Umbrage: The First Vampire – UK

Umbrage: The First Vampire – Australian title

Vampir – German title

 吸血鬼 - Japanese title

The First Vampire – English title


A 2009 British film production [Motion Picture House (London)]

Producers: Rupert Bryan, Yoram Halberstam, Francis Wallinger, Drew Cullingham,

     Charlie Falconer

Director: Drew Cullingham

Story: Drew Cullingham

Screenplay: Drew Cullingham

Cinematography: James Friend [color]

Music: Captain Bliss, Huskie Jack

Running time: 94 minutes



Jacob – Doug Bradley

Rachel - Rita Ramnani

Phelan – Jonnie Hurn

Lilith – Natalia Celino

Lauren - Grace Vallorani (Kylie Maron-Vallorani)

Stanley – James Fisher

Travis - Scott Thomas (Scott North)

Adam - Yoram Halberstam

Older Adam - Yoram Halberstam

Sammaelson Aj Williams

Stunt coordinator: Dominic Kinnaird

Jacob (Doug Bradley) is an antiques dealer who sets off with his new young and pregnant wife Lauren (Grace Vallorani) and his stepdaughter, Rachel (Rita Ramnani) to a forest homestead in a hopeful effort to heal bonds between feuding family members. He also carries a large, mysterious and ancient Babylonian mirror, smuggled out of the Middle East, which he plans to sell for profit. Lilith (Natalie Celino), a sultry ornithologist appears out of a bird hide by a noisy pair of friends hiking through the woods. Gaining their confidence, she and one of the men, Travis (Scott North) go into the woods for a quick tryst, but immediately there is a blood curdling scream. The other camper, Stanley (James Fisher), rushes toward the sound and finds his friend mutilated and near dead. Near Travis, Lilith explains to Stanley that the shadows had come to life and attacked them, and the two set off to seek help. When they end up at Jacob's cabin, the entire group comes under attack by supernatural forces of darkness. Rachel discovers Irish cowboy Phelan (Jonnie Hurn) hanging out in their barn. Phelan is a vampire and himself a former vampire hunter. He tells Rachel that the real danger to everyone is Lilith, and explains how Lilith had been Adam's willful first wife who, since having been exiled from the Garden of Eden, had been spawning demonic offspring in the world of man. Considered the mother to the Succubi, ruler of shadows, slaughterer of children, and consort to the devil himself, she had been re-awakened by, and drawn to the location of, the occult power inherent in the mirror carried by Jacob. Phelan has been harboring a centuries-long grudge against her for she having "turned" him 120 years earlier, and he had been tracking her for decades, equipped with the one relic that might finally kill her... a bone splinter from the rib of Adam himself.


Trailer link:

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