Saturday, September 14, 2024

“Old Number Seven”


Old Number Seven


A2020 Norwegian short film production [Pink Oak Production (Oslo)]

Producers: William Fabian Stang, Karl Magnus Eriksen, Fredrik Bjørnerud, Sindre

     Gundersen, Oskar Johansen, Are Bye

Director: Karl Magnus Eriksen

Story: Karl Magnus Eriksen

Screenplay: Oskar Johansen

Cinematography: William Fabian Stang

Music: William Fabian Stang

Running time: 15 minutes



Henry Houston - Fredrik Bjørnerud

Miles Coltman - Karl Magnus Eriksen

Jack Daniels - Sindre Gundersen

Sara Oakley - Angelika Lava Hallmann

Billy Butch - Oskar Johansen

Becky Hadley - Eva Mena

Will Weston - Peter Solbrekke

Billy Butch is one of the country's most wanted bandits. When he ends up in the desolate small town of Rock River, it doesn't take long before the revolver is out of his belt. An old friend shows up with questions about the past and the money that never came to fruition. The country's authorities sit on the side bench as the blood drips, the chips fall and the stench of whiskey rises.

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