Sunday, September 22, 2024

“L'eco dell'oro”


L'eco dell'oro – Italian title

[The Echo of Gold – English translated title]


A 2019 Italian film production [Roma Film Academy (Rome)

Producer: Alberto Nardone, Simone Sarnataro

Director: Alberto Nardone

Story: Alberto Nardone

Screenplay: Mariapia Pepe, Liliana Rubbino

Cinematography: Santiago Serratos [color]

Music: Sauro Mori

Running time: 14 minutes



Billy - Lorenzo Buran

Joe - Carlo Marino Altomonte

Bounty hunter - Marco Zoanetti

On the run after yet another robbery and with a bullet in his body, Billy trudges through the woods, the night enveloping him. A single cabin in the distance. He passes out. When he wakes up he finds himself lying on a bed, unarmed, in front of him is an old man... Joe.


Film link:

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