Monday, September 2, 2024

European Western Comic Books – BILLY il piccolo trombettiere


Billy the Little Trumpeter

This western comic book consisted of 15 issues beginning with issue #1 released on January 18, 1952, and ending on April 25, 1952. Text and drawings were done by Pini Segna. In the appendix to #1/15 appears the story “Grande orizzonte”, created by P. Segna. Images were provided by Nestore Corti. The magazine was published by MTO in Milan, Italy under the direction of Marino Tomasina. Each issue consisted of 32 black and white pages with color covers.


01 (18.01.52) - “Billy il piccolo trombettiere” (Billy the Little Trumpeter)

02 (25.01.52) - “Il fuorilegge” (The Outlaw)

03 (01.02.52) - “La prima avventura” (The First Adventure)

04 (08.02.52) - “La sfida” (The Challenge)

05 (15.02.52) - “Nube Bianca” (White Cloud)

06 (22.02.52) - “Il suo passato” (His Past)

07 (29.02.52) - “Contrabbando d'armi” (Arms Smuggling)

08 (07.03.52) - “Mano Gialla” (Yellow Hand)

09 (14.03.52) - “L’addio” (The Farewell)

10 (21.03.52) - “La prima licenza” (The First Leave)

11 (28.03.52) - “Il supplizio” (The Torture)

12 (04.04.52) - “In trappola” (In Trap)

13 (11.04.52) - “Sacrificio eroico” (Heroic Sacrifice)

14 (18.04.52) - “Il redivivo” (The Revenant)

15 (25.04.52) - “Addio Billy!” (Goodbye Billy!)

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