Saturday, February 3, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Rosa Biadiu

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Rosa Ester Biadiú was born in Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain in 1944. She was a script supervisor, film actress and artist. She was active in the film industry from 1965-1989 in front of and behind the camera.

Rosa acted in three Spaghetti westerns: as Miss Parker in 1964’s “Oeste Nevada Joe” (Joe Dexter); as a party guest in 1965’s “Cuatro dólares de venganza” ($4.00 of Revenge) and as Rose Cluster in 1965’s “Centomila dollari per Ringo” ($100,000 for Ringo). Rosa was also involved as a script supervisor on three other westerns: 1968’s “Sartana non perdona” (Sonora), “Cuatro cabalgaron” (Four Rode Out) and 1972’s “Condenados a vivir” (Cut Throats Nine).

In more recent times she’s become an abstract artist and has several of her paintings are on sale on-line.

BIADIU, Rosa (aka Rose Biadiu) (Rosa Ester Biadiú) [1944, Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain -     ] – writer, artist, film actress.

Joe Dexter – 1964 – (Miss Parker)

$4.00 of Revenge – 1965 (party guest)

$100,000 for Ringo – 1965 (Rose Cluster)

Sonora – 1968 [script supervisor]

Four Rode Out – 1969 [script supervisor]

Cut Throats Nine – 1972 [script supervisor]

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