Sunday, January 4, 2015

Who Are Thoose Guys? - Giovanni Bonadonna

Giovanni Bonadonna was an born in Italy sometime probably in the 1930s. The brother of stuntman, actor Elio Bonadonna his career in films consisted of less than ten films from 1968 to 1982. Giovanni like his brother was also a stuntman so how many additional films he may have appeared in uncredited is unknown. Most of his roles were as character actors, gang members and henchmen. What’s happened to Giovanni after he left acting is unknown.
BONADONNA, Giovanni (aka Gianni Bonadonna) [Italian] – stuntman, brother of stuntman, actor Elio Bonadonna.
Black Jack – 1968
We are No Angels – 1975 (Shark henchman)


  1. Thanks for stopping by. I wish you would give us some biographical information on him. Thanks.

    1. Hai un'email o un account dove possiamo comunicare? Grazie a te❤️
